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“Oh, you’re hurting me again.” Yin Ze held his hand over his heart.


“You’re hurting me, always playing jokes on me.” If she didn’t know that he was a good person and that Yin Ning, Niu Niu, and Mantou were guaranteed, with the many times he had taken liberties with her, she would’ve already beat him up.


“Jokes? Ah, that misunderstanding is like a knife being driven through my heart.” Yin Ze threw himself into acting.


Gao Yulan couldn’t help but ask, “Yin Ze, why are you a chef and not an actor? It’s such a waste of good skill.”


Yin Ze turned serious. “Because when I was still working in a restaurant as a dishwasher, I didn’t want to live my whole life washing dishes, but it would be difficult to do. So, I found a way to peek at how the chefs cooked. Once a chef smashed a plate in front of me and said that I could only ever wash dishes.”


“That’s just too much. Don’t worry, he’s just like a dog with all bark and no bite,” Gao Yulan said for Yin Ze, who had been treated unfairly.


Yin Ze laughed, “Care about him? Of course, if people said something so heartfelt to me, I just could not fail to live up to their expectations.”


“Oh? So you cursed him back?”


“Of course not, if I cursed him I would’ve been fired from that dishwashing job, now, wouldn’t I?”


“Then what did you do?”


“I smiled at him!” Yin Ze winked naughtily. “I would always smile at him. Whenever I saw him, I would smile and every time I met him I would smile.”


Gao Yulan giggled, “And then?”


Yin Ze shrugged his shoulders and roguishly said, “Then one day, he resigned and went to another restaurant. I heard from others that my smile made him nervous, and he was afraid that I was crazy and secretly scheming against him. And you know, the kitchen isn’t a place you can’t find a knife in.”


He hadn’t finished speaking and Gao Yulan couldn’t help but already laugh out.


This guy seriously, his smile would make people run away? Wasn’t he just too abnormal?

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