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Gao Yulan really wanted to flip the table and then beat Hu Tian into the ground, but she couldn’t do anything. As she listened to herself, she was surprisingly calm.


“Manager Hu, are you married?”


“Yes.” Hu Tian looked at the ring on his hand, not caring in the slightest and telling the truth.


“Is she still alive?”


Hu Tian frowned. “Of course. Ms. Gao, I don’t think you understand. This is just some fun, without any love. My family is still my family.”


Gao Yulan burned with range, this was humiliating. His family is his family, disgusting, what did he take his wife for? Other families’ daughters are making a serious effort to make a livelihood, and he takes it as something fun?

Gao Yulan ground her teeth and asked again. “Manager Hu, are you short on money?”


Hu Tian frowned again, beginning to feel that the girl was not as good as he thought. He saw that she wanted the job very much and she was very young. They have things they want and are willing to pay for them. Now that they have mixed into society, they should know the rules. They could accept them and have some fun, and if they don’t accept, there isn’t any trouble. Each person would take what they need, so it was good.


He thought that his terms would attract her. A person seeking a job from a small place is normal, but how could it be so easy to establish oneself in a major city? So he thought she would do it. But now that she said these baffling words, he thought he was wrong.


Gao Yulan said again, “Manager Hu isn’t short on money? If you have money for a room, you should have money for somebody to accompany you. You have a wife, and you can afford it. Why are you doing something so tasteless at work?”


Hu Tian leaned back and said coldly, “Miss Gao, it seems like you are not interested in being hired, such a pity. Since this is the case, you should return early to rest.”


“I’m interested in getting a job, but I’m not interested in having sex with you.” Gao Yulan ground her teeth, eyeing him angrily. “You don’t have a sense of shame, you bastard. What if your wife found out you like to play around? Do you think a woman gets a job by escorting a man to bed? I’ll inform you, your company is good, I would love to join, but you are sickening…” One moment she didn’t know what to do, and another moment she was angrily breathing and clenching her fist. After holding back, she stood. “You’re only just a bug, somebody can step on you. You should quickly scuttle up a wall.”


Hu Tian was humiliated being scolded like this. “Do you think you’re so pure and noble? Me playing with you is already thinking highly of you, do you think you have any other skills, without any connections to lean on? How could you find a job? If you can’t do it, then don’t come out and shame yourself. This is City A, this is the real world. Do you think there is anybody willing to do something for nothing? Get lost, crawl back to whichever trash countryside place you came from and starve, you bitch.”

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