
878 33 0

Becky Adams

I woke up to the sound of blow drying and immediately knew Ashley had taken her usual morning shower. Unfortunately for me, that shower had to be at 5:30 in the morning.

"Ughh...Ash are you serious?" I said as I covered my face with my blanket.

"Ashley I swear to God I'm gonna fucking smack you so hard if you don't turn that shit off!" Zoey said from the floor.

"Sorry guys." Ashley said apologetically as she turned off the blow dryer. She walked back into the room in just her bra and panties, black and matching of course. Not surprised that it was lace; it's her favourite material. After slipping on her yoga pants and razorback tank top, I just wasn't tired anymore, so I decided to take a shower myself; freshen up.

After what seemed like the most relaxing and steamy shower ever, I put a towel over my body and let my long, red, wet hair droop over my body. Before getting dressed, I connected my phone to the dock to play some tunes while we all got ready.

After the phone was connected and 5 Seconds of Summer started playing, I went to my dresser to put on some clothes. I quickly ties my wet hair into a bun so that when it dried, it'd be slightly curly. I then dropped my towel from my body, exposing my skin to the open air. I felt small breezes go through me, giving me shivers from time to time. I rummaged through my drawers to find a bra and a pair of matching panties. I decided to go with red; it was my trademark colour.

I ended up putting on a pair of high waisted boyfriend jeans — distressed of course — with a tight-fitted black crop tank top. While my hair was still in a bun, I quickly did my makeup; you know, the usual. Mascara, liquid eyeliner on the eyelids, and a lighter shade of red lipstick.

We had been dancing around the room as we got ready and cleaned things up for about 10 minutes and a few seconds later, Brendon walked into the room, shirtless; and in his boxers. God he had an amazing body. It was so tan and toned, I mean the man looked like a sex god. He had a six pack and everything. I didn't realize I was drooling until he asked me, "Becky are you ok?"

"Huh? Oh! Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired from being woken up by this she-devil." I said, gesturing towards Ashley.

"Hey!" Ashley said defensively, but me and Zoey just shrugged our shoulders.

Brendon laughed before saying, "Well, I should get ready now. Do any of you want a ride to school?"

I just stared at him, flat faced. "It's 6:30! We have time Brendon. But you should, uh, put on a shirt." I said, moving my hands around my torso, indicating his nakedness.

"Haha, yeah, sorry. I have a tendency to sleep like this." Brendon said shrugging his shoulders.

Brendon left after standing in the room in an awkward silence. Once he was gone, Ashley and Zoey just stared at me with a sly-like look on their faces.

"What?" I said, confused as to why they were staring at me like that.

"Don't 'what' us!" Zoey exclaimed.

"Yeah! You totally have the hots for Brendon!" Ashley added.

"I said I was tired from your damn blow drying!" I said, defensively, hoping they would believe me. But I knew they wouldn't. They were right; I did have the hots for Brendon. He was so damn gorgeous and his personality was twice the amount of his looks. And then there was that kiss. The one outside the diner against my Jeep. The way his lips felt against mine; they just stuck. It was perfect. It aroused the feelings I had for him before we broke up; it reminded me why I was into him in the first place.

"So you also drool like Channing Tatum just walked in the room when you're tired?" Zoey said with a smirk on her face.

At this point, both Zoey and Ashley were giving me the same look and I just had to give in. I mean, they are my best friends.

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