Chapter 9: The Visions

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Time had flown by at UA, what seemed like hours of class felt like minutes and with the school day ending the students left and began returning home.
Atop a building stood the Number 1 hero watching the students leaving the school.
"Jeez you need to slow down sometimes.", said the tired voice of Uravity from behind Deku.
"Sorry Ochaco.", said Deku.
"Oh UA is already releasing.", Uravity said.
"I'm still not sure about the batch of students, considering what one of them did to Juryoku's shoulder.", Deku told Uravity looking displeased.
"You could say the same thing about the time you and Katsuki were first years, the two of you nearly killed each other during training," she said as both of them remembered their times as first years ",and look at the two of you now, both of you are the top ranked heroes in Japan, the both of you helped push each other to become the best you possibly could."
"I'm just worried.", Deku said.
"Trust me I am too, but if we don't let her fly on her own she'll never leave the nest.", Uravity said.
"Riiiigggght.", Deku said with uncertainty in his tone.
"You weren't talking about our daughter were you.", Uravity said sternly.
"Don't get the wrong idea I care about her but what about what the seer said.", Deku asked her.
"Wasn't he that villain that we caught years ago.", she replied with.
"As we were capturing him he told us about a fate that could be unavoidable, he told us that one day All for One would return and the only way to possibly stop him is if the next successor of One for All appears within five years.", Deku said with concern in his voice as he sat down.
"And it's about to be the five year mark, isn't it.", Uravity asked.
"At first we had shrugged it off, but now with All For One's corpse having been dug out from its grave, I'm beginning to think that what if what he was saying was the truth.", Deku asked her.
"The future is always in motion we can never truly know the outcome of what will happen, the best we can do is prepare for whatever happens.", Uravity replied with.
"Well I'm sure our daughter is expecting a nice welcome home so we should probably get going.", Deku said as he stood up.
"Ochaco, Ochaco where are you.", Deku said as he looked around.
"This isn't funny where are you.", Deku said as he began worrying.
He looked at his surroundings which resented a barren wasteland where the city of Musutafu, the city where UA high is located, once stood.
He continued to look around seeing UA high having been decimated.
He saw something in front of him that was out of focus. He looked closer and saw Uravity's lifeless body being held by her head.
He was in shock
He looked up and saw All for One there
He couldn't move, it felt as if he was experiencing sleep paralysis for a second time.
"You can't prevent what is coming,",the raspy voice of All for One said,", my return is inevitable."
"Deku... Deku!", he heard a faint voice call out for him.
Everything he had seen before him began to become blurry and he then snapped back into reality.
The voice that had been calling out for him was that of Uravity who said she had been trying to talk to him for about five minutes.
Deku looked as if he had been traumatized and Uravity quickly took note of this and asked if he was ok.
Deku said that he was fine and proceeded to leap from the building that they were standing on.
Uravity was puzzled by the way he was acting and began to follow him to the agency.
Both of the heroes made it to their agencies and said they would be taking the rest of the day off.
As they began walking home Uravity asked Deku about what had happened to him when he zoned out and Deku quickly informed her that nothing was wrong and that he was just daydreaming.
"Listen I know that you're the number one hero but there are some things that you can't solve on your own, so for the last time is there anything wrong?", Ochaco asked.
A part of Deku wanted to tell her about the "dream" but another part of him didn't want her to worry about what he had seen.
"Trust me nothing is wrong.", Deku said.
"Okay, but if this happens for a second time I want an answer.", Ochaco said as they began talking about other things as they made it to their home.
As they were about to enter they saw their daughter running towards them.
A car had just hit Juryoku.
"Dad you good?", Juryoku said as she stood before him.
"Yeah I'm fine, now care to explain about why you destroyed your shoulder.", Deku asked her as she began explaining what had happened during the Joint Training.
The rest of the day went by smoothly without any more hallucinations from Deku but that didn't mean he had forgotten what he had seen.
He didn't get any sleep that night as he was kept awake by the visions of the two people he cared about most in life had died right before him.
He didn't know whether to believe them or not to.
The best he could do was prepare for the unforeseen future.
————————-End of Chapter-————————
Sorry for taking so damn long to make this chapter I do plan to return to my usual schedule of one chapter every 1 or 2 weeks
Once again thank you for being patient and as always

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