Chapter 15

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Nami shot up, panting and in a sweat. I scrambled up after her, searching her scared face for an explanation. All I saw was fright.

“Bad dream?” Candor asked suddenly. She jumped at the sound of his voice. I scowled. He was standing over us carrying firewood, his breathing heavy. She traced my finger over my barely touchable features, being careful not to stick her hand through me. I purred.

“Yes.” She whispered. He chuckled and threw some scrawny sticks into the fire. It cackled, then calmed down again.

“Tell her I said it’s alright and everything is going to be okay.” I demanded towards Candor.

“He says ‘It’s alright. Everything’s going to be okay.’”

She looked up at him, her eyes resting on his scar. “Who?” She asked.

“HP. He’s not who you think, though.”

“What do you know about HP?” She snapped. I stifled a laugh, proud of her boldness.

He laughed deeply and sat on a log across from us. “I know more than you think.”

Shit, don’t do this. Not yet.

She sighed silently and fixed the rag on her head. Candor’s silhouette played with a knife throwing it up and down, blowing on it, scraping the end with rocks. He continued amusing himself until he noticed her watching him. She ducked her head behind me and giggled. I wrapped my leg around her waist, soaking in the feel of her body cuddled into mine.

“I can still see you. HP is just a presence, not a thing.” He told her.

“HP is my friend.” She said softly.

Hell yeah.

“Do you want to know who he really is? I can tell you Nami.”

She looked up at him again, a curious look making it’s way into her eyes. No, don’t be curious! Don’t ask! “Who is he?”

What the hell! What did I just say!


Her eyes welled up with tears. No, please don’t cry Nami. Please don’t cry…

“Please don’t joke around with me like that. Yuki is gone and he’s probably never coming back. HP is my only friend in the living realm now. He’s all I have. So don’t insult him by telling me he’s someone who broke my heart.” I…broke her heart?

“Shit.” I cursed quietly, running my fingers through my hair. That’s the last thing I wanted to hear.

Candor got up and walked over to us, smiling. He outstretched his hand for her to take.

“Get your filthy, unworthy hands away from…” I trailed off as I saw her reach up and take it.

“I have something to show you.” His voice was seductively persuasive. How dare he flirt with my girlfriend right in front of me!


My girlfriend?

He helped Nami onto her feet, putting a firm hand on the small of her back to steady her when she stumbled a little. “Thank you.” Her voice was quiet and it always was. A shiver tumbled down my spine. She looked up at him, her face coming inches from his.

Oh, Hell No.

They locked gazed, Candor still cradling her. My blood boiled. That’s MY girl he’s making a move on. And he’s doing it right in front of me.

Hot tears spilled out over her eyelashes and her breathing became shallow. What...? Candor only smiled softly and kissed the droplets than ran down her face. That’s the most friendly expression I’ve seen on him. It startled me. She stood there, nervous, stunned, obviously not knowing how to react.

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