He's Alive Right?

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A/N About 2 or 3 more chapters and then Loving A Monster will come to an end! I recommend listening to the song while reading! Song is If I Die Young by The Band Perry

I heard faint screams outside. I sat up in bed and shook Blaine awake. " What's happening?" I asked frantically.

He sat up and walked to the window. He froze for a few seconds, probably mind linking someone. He turned around and started pulling on his clothes. " There's a war. I don't think they'll come close to the houses but I won't take chances. Lock all the windows and the doors. If you hear a noise try to block your scent and hide in the basement."

He walked over to one of his drawers and rummaged under a few t-shirts. He pulled out a gun.

" Don't hesitate," he said as he put the gun in the palm of my hand, " it's loaded with silver bullets coated with wolfsbane."

" I-I can't use t-that." I stuttered.

He cupped my cheeks and pulled me closer, " Yes you can. I'd love to see you blow some heads up but I have to go defend this pack. I love you."

His words made my heart swell and throb. I felt a lump forming in my throat as he pecked my lips and walked off. My wolf started howling.

Go after him. Don't let him go.

I dropped the gun and ran down the stairs. There was smoke in the air outside. All kinds of screams were heard. Screams of pain, determination, and pride.

I ran into the woods. Looking like a mess, may I add. I was wearing a pair of Blaine's boxers which went down to my knees and a white tank top. My hair was a birds nest resting on my head. I noticed that the war wasn't any place in particular, it was everywhere. I ducked as a knife came flying towards me, hitting the tree behind me. I looked at the person who had sent the knife flying and saw a girl.

She looked about 16 and had dirty blonde hair pulled into a messy ponytail. Sweat coated her face and her clothes were dirty with mud and dirt. She was human.

She smirked and threw another. It grazed the skin on my arm, causing a little tear on my skin. Blood trickled down my arm. I growled and ran towards her as she struggled to pull her gun out of her waistband. I pounced on her and extended my claws, going at her. I stepped away and left her limp body.

I saw a couple familiar faces fighting but they looked like they could handle themselves. Then farther ahead, I saw a huge black wolf crouching down, ready to pounce on another wolf.

My heart throbbed.

The other wolf that was fighting had light brown fur. His ears stood up as if he was irritated. Why would a wolf be fighting Blaine if the battle was between werewolves and humans?


My wolf growled. I hid behind a tree. I came out here to stop Blaine and to help him the others fight. I didn't come to die.

Fredrick jumped on Blaine, trying to get a bite on his neck. Blaine pushed him off and peered down at Fredrick-who was squirming under his grip-as he had him pinned down to the ground.

It looked like he was telling him something.

He chomped down on Fredrick's neck, ending everything.

Then he got off of the dead body and ripped apart a human who was cornering a pack member. I felt a hand tap me shoulder. I jumped and turned around, ready to fight but was relieved to only find Casper. " What are you doing out here?! If Blaine knows your out here he'll not only kill me but everyone else for not stopping you!" He hissed.

I rolled my eyes, " I should be asking you the same thing, aren't you supposed to be fighting?"

He gripped my shoulders and started guiding me back to the house. " I wish I could but Blaine put me in charge of hurt pack members and you."

We were now in front of the house, bickering in a hushed tone like a married couple. " I can't be treated like a baby my whole life! I'm Luna of this pack. That means that I fight alongside everyone else, even if alpha Blaine doesn't approve." I snapped.

He stood there staring at me with blank eyes. He was having a mind link conversation. " Ok, you can yell at me all you want but inside. Blaine says the humans keep increasing in number and they're coming towards the houses, they're looking for you." Casper grabbed my wrist, trying to pull me inside but still trying to be gentle at the same time. " Delfy, if you get hurt under my watch I will be skinned alive and dipped in salt and lemon. Then Blaine will fry me. Get inside the fucking house!" He snapped.

I stood my ground. Head held up high. " I will not move."

Casper growled and started pacing towards me. He suddenly stopped, eyes wide.

I heard a murderous growl behind me. I turned around and saw humans huddled in a group, looking at me. Then I saw a bullet zooming towards me. Then I saw Blaine. He was running fast towards me.

The fastest I've seen anyone run before.

Fear was evident in his eyes. He whimpered when we made eye contact.

He pushed me out of the way and fell to the ground lifeless.

I let out a cry and ran towards him.


" Would you ever take a bullet for someone you love?" I asked Blaine as we sat at the table, eating dinner. Archie was too depressed to eat with us so I put the plate outside his room, he would hopefully go out and get it when he gets hungry. " It depends," He answers while taking a sip of his water, which weirdly had a white-ish color to it. " Depends on what?"

" If they'll take a bullet for me too," He looks at me straight in the eyes and his lips twitch a little, " would you?"

I shift uncomfortably and look down at my plate, " I would."

End of flashback

Everything was happening in slow motion. The humans started running away back into the woods. But one stayed behind, he kept staring at us, at me. Jesse.

I noticed that his gun was pointed at us and a puff of smoke was coming out of it.

He shot Blaine.

Blaine had shifted back into his naked human form. Blood was smeared all over his body and the ground beneath him. My vision was blurred with tears as I took in my surroundings.

" No! No! No!" I screamed.

I cupped his cheeks and shook his head back and forth, " Blaine, baby, wake up. Wake up, God dammit! It's not funny!"

I felt for a pulse in his wrist. Nothing.

I didn't notice that I was ripping my hair out of my head. I felt a stinging pain where my mark had been. It was disappearing. I cried even harder, ripping out bigger chunks of my hair.

I felt myself being lifted up into a strong pair of arms. " Delfy, Delfy I'm so sorry. I should've helped, I was just in shock."

" No! Don't touch me!" I kicked Casper, causing him to drop me to the ground. I crawled over to Blaine and laid my head on his chest, not caring that blood would get in my hair.

He wasn't breathing.

" He's alive. He's gotta' be. He's just playing a sick game on me!" I kept telling myself.

He's alive right? I asked my wolf. She stayed quiet.

" He's alive! He's alive!" I kept yelling.

Casper was trying to get a hold of me, trying to calm me down. Once he finally had me in his arms, he spoke.

" No, Delfy. Blaine is dead."

A/N I've been waiting forever to write this chapter! It's finally here!😭

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