Sick Day (Vikklan)

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AN- Vikklan again because, why not? Plus, I came up with the perfect beginning for a story so i had to continue it. 

Lachlan walked into the bedroom, one hand occupied by soup and the other hand yet another blanket.

"How are you feeling Icky Sicky Vikky?"  The blond asked the older who was cemented to his bed by blankets.

"I'm not ick-" His argument was cut off by an array of coughs from his own mouth. Lachlan let out a pitiful laugh as he pet the other's hair.

"Of course not. It was just a joke Vikk." The taller added the blanket onto the sickly one, placing the soup onto the table nearby. He carefully lied down beside Vikk, holding him close. Vikk's black hair was pasted to his forehead by gallons of sweat. His bright and bubbly eyes were now dull and non-existent. His voice was hoarse and his breathing was labored. It was so painful to watch Vikk like that. So helpless and prone. To Lachlan, it was also frightening. Who could get this sick from a common cold? It truly wasn't fair. "Shshsh." Lachlan shushed when he realized Vikk was trying to talk. "Just relax. Would you like some soup?"

A quick nod from Vikk answered his question. The blond smiled at the slight excitement the word soup had caused. Vikk had mentioned how much he loved Lachlan's soup when he could still talk. The younger was also sure that the soup helped ease the pain. He shifted the pillows so that Vikk could sit upright in his bed. Lachlan grabbed the soup and slowly began to offer Vikk spoonfuls of soup. Vikk tried to stop him, going to reason he could do it on his own, but he was beginning to get exhausted from sitting upright. The blond just cooed sweet nothings as he fed him, trying to distract him from the pain. He knew he couldn't sit up for a whole bowl of soup, but less than half? It was getting worse the longer they waited. 

"Lachlan, I-" Vikk's voice failed him, but Lachlan got the memo. He slowly leaned Vikk back down. (AN- Endstone just came on in my playlist. My feels!!!!) Vikk groaned slightly from the shifting but cuddled deeply into the pillows. Lachlan placed the unfinished soup back onto the table beside him. He'll take care of it later. "thank you. I love you." Vikk carefully got out.

"I love you too Vikk. Now get some rest."

Yeah, he'll take care of it later.

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