Chapter 24

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“So, how’ve you been?” I asked with a huff as I played on my bed as I stared at the ceiling; it was my first time in weeks that I’ve talked to Chase and it felt… different. Like he was slightly distant and, weird. 

“I’ve been alright.” he answered, I heard him sigh and then there was an awkward silence “You?” he asked

“Okay.” I whispered and then there was an silence again; it was killing me. “Are you okay?” I asked “You seem… weird.” I added and I heard him sigh after “Is there something you’re not telling me? I asked, slightly hoping he would tell me about his date Jase had told me about weeks ago. 

“I’m just tired.” he sighed “And I’ve been stressing, so…” he muttered “I’m sorry if I’m wasting your time, or boring you.” he rambled 

“Chase, relax.” I laughed “I get it, I’ve been really busy too, but… you don’t need to be weird around me, I understand.” I said softly and I heard him sigh after

“Look, I’m sorry but I’ve gotta go.” He muttered and I blinked rapidly. What? 

“What? We haven’t talked in weeks and you’re leaving all of a sudden?” I whispered “What’s really going on Chase?” 

“Nothing.” he answered “I’ve just got to go, okay?” he said “I’m sorry.”  He hung up. I stared at my phone in shock and bewilderment all together, I grabbed my coat and texted Jase to meet me at that coffee shop we always went to as I made my way towards it as well, once I arrived I ordered a frapuccino and sat down in a booth in the corner. As I waited, my head felt like it was spinning due to all the thoughts on my mind, why was he acting so weird? Was he moving on but didn’t want to tell me in fear of hurting my feelings? What was he keeping from me?

“Hey.” Jase’s soft voice interrupted my thoughts as he sat in front of me “What’s wrong? You sounded kind of… weird on the phone.” he added as he sipped on his coffee, as he eyed my warily “What’s going on?” 

“Have you talked to Chase lately?” I asked as I drummed my fingers, nervously on the table 

“We’ve just texted a couple times, why?” he asked as he frowned at me 

“I’d just gotten off the phone with him before I told you to meet me here, and he…” I sighed “he just sounded really distant towards me, like he’s keeping something from me.” I said as I ran my hands through my hair “Do you know something I don’t?” I whispered softly, he glanced at me and ran his hands through his hair 

“It’s not my place to say.” he muttered, I looked at him pleadingly and he sighed deeply “You have to promise me you won’t tell him I told you, alright?” I nodded “When you left to come here, it was really hard for him, Ava. Like really hard.” he emphasised “His parent’s didn’t know what to do with him, he was so depressed and even I didn't know what to do to make him feel better. But I knew what would; you.” he smiled softly “But I knew that really wasn't a possibility since you were already in New York.” he shrugged “And then Ashley and I left, and he was all alone. He would call me non-stop in the middle of the night, saying that he couldn’t live like this anymore, that he was going crazy out of his mind, Ava.” I sniffled as I felt my eyes fill with tears. I had no idea it had been that hard on him, I was very sad to, but not to the point where I felt like I couldn’t deal with it anymore. It was heartbreaking. “He’s trying his best to move on, Ava.” he said softly “That’s why he went out with that girl I told you about, he took her out again earlier this week.” 

“Wow.” I breathed “I just thought he was ignoring me because he missed me.” I shrugged as I chuckled dryly, I felt his hand on top of mine, I glanced at him and saw he was smiling softly at me

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