Chapter Twenty-One

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Ever since China had snuck out, Winter hadn't slept a wink since, her knees were brought up to her chest, arms folded around her knees as she rested her chin over her them. Her eyes dejectedly gazed at the floor, then up towards the lonely mattress that China usually slept in.

The quilt had been strewn all over the bed messily as China's clothes laid almost everywhere, China was known to be a huge slob, she never really found the time, nor the interest in making her bed and organizing everything.

How is it that you're so brave and I'm not? Winter thought to herself. She was the only one in the group who hadn't set foot on the bunker ever since Jay had found and took them both in. Faith had often nagged Winter for being so stiff about the training and the supply runs.

To Winter, it's like China was able to do it all with a smile on her face, she often wondered what went through China's mind as she faced the issues that dared  approached her.

You're pathetic. The words hit Winter like a ton of bricks.

You're useless. All you do is stay in your room and listen to your sad music all day. What's the point in staying at the bunker when you can't even use a gun?

Self berating was an understatement, Winter absolutely despised everything about herself. She tried her best to simmer down the pure jealousy she had towards Jay, North, China, and even Faith.

They all had some sort of trauma happen to them, yet they were able to continue fighting, using weapons, going on the surface that's been infested with bloodthirsty aliens and malevolent raiders.

She often confided in Tyrese about these feelings she had been having, but the key word here was often.

Suddenly, the door opened, interrupting Winter's toxic train of thought, Nikki stepped inside quietly and shut the door behind her.

"Do people in this place even knock anymore?" Winter mumbled irritably, Nikki rolled her eyes as she sauntered over toward Winter's bedding, she put an arm around the teen, hugging her shoulders.

Nikki ignored Winter's comment, "She left again...didn't she?"

Winter pointed her finger at China's empty mattress. "Well, she's not snoring in that thing so no, she's not."

Nikki rolled her eyes, "Is this a bad time Winter? I came in here to ask for help with Bob." She answered. Winter took one sharp look at Nikki. Nikki's white t-shirt hung from her body loosely, which revealed her dark purple bra strap. Her flannel pants were disheveled. Winter gazed at Nikki's face, dark circles had appeared to have framed around her eyes.

Here I am sulking while Nikki is possibly pregnant and still carrying out her duties in the bunker. Winter had thought to herself. In a huff, she tossed her blanket to the side of the bed.

Winter stood up swiftly, "I'm sorry. I'm just in a bad mood."

Nikki smiled back at her faintly, it looked a little forced but Winter decided to let that fly over her head just this once. "Can't sleep either huh?"

"Well, you have a reason to be awake, I don't." Winter responded matter-of-factly, she stretched her arms behind her head, making her shoulder blades pop. "How is the newbie anyway?"

"He's having trouble sleeping as well. I figured that you'd have some therapeutic music for him that'll relax him." Nikki sighed, pushing several strands of her hair behind her ear. "And me for that matter."

Winter smirked, "I knew you'd like The Beatles,"

Nikki's cheeks turned a bright hint of red as she averted her eyes from Winter's face, "I thought they were a little weird at first...but I can't get Yellow Submarine out of my head." She admitted reluctantly.

"Let's go then." Winter chirped, urging Nikki towards the door. "And let's be as quiet as a mouse."


China had made it to the pharmacy, she stood in front of the door, peering over her shoulder at the dark sky, the clouds had already started covering the stars above her. The moonlight is the only source of light she could really get. She quickly slipped herself inside, making sure that the door doesn't slam behind her.

She quickly pulled out a flashlight, flicking the switch as a dull light brightens up her pathway, she began pointing the flashlight up to the aisle signs.

"Vitamin supplements...first aid supplies...disinfectants...feminine hygeine." China mouthed to herself. She started her way down the end of the aisle, swiftly moving her flashlight from left to right.

Her eyes widened as she found a pregnancy test resting on the top shelf, she stood on her tip-toes as she reached to grab the pregnancy test. 

You're welcome Nikki. China thought to herself as she stuffed the small box in her pocket.

Might as well gather some supplements while I'm here. China continued her thought process as she continued down the aisle.

Her flashlight started flickering on and off and to her surprise, it shut completely off. A chill ran down her spine as she heard something creep near the window, that ominous blue light started to fill in from the windows. Her heart started frantically beating as she realized what this means.

They're here.

China instinctively crouched down, watching carefully as the light shifted to the left, noticing that it was headed in her direction, she started to crawl between the aisles to hide from the ray of light.

The outsiders normally started to channel voices of humans in attempts to lure their prey out, if the victim was lucky, the outsider would simply pierce their tentacles through their heart which will kill them right on the spot which will prevent any further pain, if the outsider was angry, it will either pull their limbs apart or start eating them whole.

In general, any encounter with an outsider was unfortunate.

China checked the chambers of her revolver, her hands slightly trembled as the light continued throughout the room. China quickly stood up and peeked at the other side of the aisle.

I have to get out of here. China thought to herself as the light started to grow even brighter.

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