Chapter 9

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The radio buzzed as Magath's raspy voice spoke-"Care to update us on the current situation Tybur"
I spoke for hours on end explaining to Magath my discoveries,The Reiss,The Underground,The Military,The Landscape and finally Marcel and our loss and Ymir's sudden apperance.
After my long explanetion the radio distrupted for a moment before I heard-"Y/N,it's Zeke"-I heard a man's voice say.
"Hello Zeke"-I said to the radio as I played with some sand,a smile having ran across my face.
"How you been doing"-He asked me,I could hear his smile across the radio.
"Pretty good"
"I'm glad"
We held small talk for about an hour before my radio distrupted and finally,Zeke's voice was no more.

Having gotten up on my feet,I yanked the knife off my belt and put my hand around it,I increased the pressure of my hand around it as lights shone around me.

I opened the door of the barracks with a fling.
I walked in quickly and sat down on my bed.My leg was twitching and I was breathing deeply.
"Hey"-A cheerful voice said behind me as two arms flung around my chest.
I looked to see who it was and I was met by a smiling Krista.
"Hey"-I said quietly as I tried to get away from her grasp.
After I did I put my back up to my bedframe and Krista jumped on my bed,still supporting a massive smile.
She put her back against me.
"What are you...doing"-I asked her slowly.
"Isn't this what people who love each other do"-She said as I looked around,we were the only people here.
I heard the door open again as Krista got comfortable.
"I gotta go"-I told her as I was met with Reiner and Bertholdt.

"Right, so this is the last time I will ever meet face to face with you as your instructor and past the harsh words  and treatment,I want to say,It's been an honor to see you grow,from scared little children,to soliders,so for one last time,devote your hearts"-Keith Shadis screamed out with power.
I devoted my heart to their false cause before Krista spoke to me-"You're doing it with the wrong arm"
She yanked my arm away as I shouted-"Piss off,just leave me alone"
She looked at me with tears in her eyes and I just left.

The scene caused by Y/N and Krista left an impression for sure as the boy stormed off from the camp showing a clear sign of disrespect towards his peers.
A dim yellow light was seen in the distance as Y/N was nowhere to be found for the next day.

Everyone was feasting quietly,not a word being shared,the sound of forks and spoons scraping across the filled plates was all that filled that room.
Someone would cough now and then but no words were being exchanged.
The door suddenly creacked open as all eyes laid upon the boy who had just walked in.
He marched past the tables as he held his hand out to Krista.
"I need to speak to you"-He said quietly.
Krista helped herself up and Y/N lead her outside.
The moment the door closed the room erupted in a mess of noise,Y/N was someone quite important to these people and his affairs somehow mattered to them that much.

"I'm sorry for...back then"-He said to her as she smiled-"It's okay,it's what couples do"-She murmured to him with such positivity hinted in her voice.
"We aren't...a couple"-The boy muttered out.
"But we..."-Krista was about to say as she was cut off-"I was drunk"-Y/N said quickly-"It dosen't matter"
Krista softly lay her hand on his cheek,his face became blazing hot,maybe due to the electricity that was going through his body,maybe due to the actual feelings he was developing.
"You're not drunk now are you"-She asked him as she went on her tip-toes.
She was doing something that Y/N was too afraid to do himself.
"Listen,Krista"-He said to her as he moved away-"Let's keep being just friends"
Krista said something to him but he didn't listen,his vision had become blurry and his hearing had been fogged out.
He ran and backed himself to a tree.
The hard surface made him feel like shit as he put his hand over his mouth,stopping the vomit coming out,his eyes looked like they were on the brink of exploding as he couldn't hold it in anymore.
He vomited all he had eaten in the past week and cried.
He slowly sobbed and punched the ground,as if it was the earth's fault for him feeling like shit.
He grabbed the grass and ripped it from the ground as he puked out more but this time it was blood.
"Y/N"-An extremely familiar voice said,this voice reminded him of his infancy,of his upbringing,of his...mother.
"Mom"-He whispered to himself.
"Mom what do I do"-He asked the random voice for advice.
He looked up from the ground to see the vision of the woman who he'd come to hate so much.
Her black dress was just like he'd remembered it,her hair was tied just like he'd remebered it.
"Look at yourself"-She said with love on her voice-"You've become a man,you've toughened up,you've seen the horrors of this world,and you've beaten them,so,how can a girl,destroy all that,control your emotions,and remeber,she is like you,they're all like you,soliders,eldians and more importantly they are humans"
"So what if you'll have to betray them all one day,you've done much harder things than that"-She explained to me in her long explanation.
"How do you know what betrayal feels like"-He asked the vision of his mother.
"Because,I've done it before"
"I never told my brother about something important,and I never told you either,so this is the best time to do it"

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