Back to school

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No smut In this chapter horny toads


"Are you sure you don't want me and your father with you? We're still going with Ginny!" Molly said to Ron, who was halfway out the door, ready to get back to school.

"Yes mom, George is legal, he's taking us well be fine, I love you!" He said as he pulled you out of the burrow, where George was waiting at the end of the driveway.

"Merlin, took you long enough." He said As he held out his arm and put his small notebook back in his pocket which he had been previously drawing in.

Ron grabbed into his arm, as did you, and you quickly twisted through the air, and landed already at the platform.

"Ron, Y/N, you've got everything?" He said as he looked in both of your hands seeing that you were both holding your bags.

Ron didn't even answer and just quickly pulled you into the train with a mumbled 'Love Ya.' To George.

You and Ron quickly entered the train and darted to the Cart where you, Ron, Hermione, and Harry always sat on your way to the school.

"Ron! Why are you so late we're always 30 minutes early you barely got here!" Harry said.

Harry had gotten out early, he had avoided Molly and then wasn't held back, asked to do chores, etc.

"Sorry mate, it's mum." He said as he quickly grabbed your bag and tucked it under the seat.

"Understandable, I tried to get you this morning, but you wouldn't get out of bed!" Harry said as he flung his hands around.

"Whatever mate!" Ron said as Hermione held back a chuckle, and resumed reading her book on the anatomy of mandrakes.

As the train slowly began moving, you rested your back against the wall, and began to pull your coat over your lap to take a nap.

"Ron! Ron hi!" You heard a high shrill voice coming from the outside of the booth.

Pavarti Patil.

She had always had a crush on Ron, and was your best friend, until last year, your fifth year of hogwarts, when you began going on dates with him, and slowly slipping into a secret love that would only be revealed to everyone almost a year later.

"Oh, hi." He said as he slowly out his head down.

"Hello, y/n." She said as her smile slowly faded.

Hermione shot a knowing glare at you, and pavarti started entering the booth.

Pavarti sat down next to Ron, not. Even watching out for your feet which you ducked out just in time.

"I made you some chocolates. They have almonds and caramel in them." She said as she pulled a orange pouch from her dress pocket, and placed it in his hand.

"Thanks.." Ron said. He had known that she had an obsessive crush on her, and was frankly terrified of her, and his awkwardness towards her only became worse when you and him started dating.

"I'll see you all at the New Year's Eve party." She said as she stood up and exited the Booth before shooting you a glare through the glass window in the door.

"I just realized I was holding my breath that whole time." Ron said as a chuckle erupted through the booth.

He slipped the pouch into his pocket, and began taking a nap, and he as well sat against the wall, so your legs were intertwined, trying to find space.


The horn of the train blared, scaring you and Ron awake.

"Come on, come on!" Hermione said as she grabbed both your bags and handed them to you.

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