13 | Your True Colors | 13

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Karl POV

As soon as the bullet left it's ignition, I felt a slight breeze of air overcome me. I turned my head as quick as lightning, eyes setting on the targets hit.

What I saw..was something I could never unsee.

Tommy, shoving Toby towards a near wood pole, was shot directly in the back of his chest. He fell to the ground immediately, Toby following in his footsteps.

My expression quickly dropped.

There wasn't just one bullet, no. Tommy was shot in his back, near death and Toby was shot in his arm, hitting a pole and knocking himself unconscious.

I felt rage overcome me. I didn't care about anything else at that moment.

"Nick, make sure they're okay." I communicated quietly, laying a palm on his shoulder but releasing it after. Nick silently nodded, shivering from my touch.

At that moment, I turned a hated eye to the figure that was sat on the ground before me. I didn't say a word. I stood my silence, staring him in the eyes. I could feel my own rage.

"W-Wait-! Wha- What are you?!" The man before me stuttered out as he was dripping  with pure fear.

"Your worse fucking nightmare."

I took out my nunchucks, wrapping them around his neck swiftly and beheading him instantly. His headless corpse fell to the ground immediately, blood decorating the bare grass. I felt relief.

I could tell everyone was staring, but I didn't care. I took my nunchucks, walking over to his bloody and lifeless head, shoving the front of the weapon into the center of his forehead. I stepped on it with my foot, shoving it further into his head until I felt the end of the weapon hit the ground.

I picked up the head, blood covering my entire arm and threw it towards the crowd staring.

"Now, listen up." I shouted, drawing everyone's attention even if they were already at the point of staring.

"I'm gonna give you to the count of THREE. And if all the Knovs aren't EVACUATED from this area by the time I'm done counting. I'm gonna slaughter all of you without a second thought!" I raised my voice even louder, booming through the crowd. Nobody moved but I could tell they were hesitant and shaking. One of them flashed a sharp eye at me.

"Hey, we're not gonna listen to some ki-" One was stubborn, so I got rid of him. Pulling a pistol out of my back pocket and planting a bullet in his skull. His corpse fell to the ground and I smiled.

"NOW GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" I shouted, shooting rapidly. I didn't care who I hit or who would've died from the incident, I only shot my gun until no bullets were left. Everyone escaped at once, only the dead bodies of those who were unfortunate enough to be shot was left behind.

The only people in the area were Nick, Tommy, Toby and myself. Zak and Darryl must've thought to flee at the sight of me losing it. I didn't mind.

"They hurt Tommy and Tubbo." I murmured, turning my head slightly and setting eyes on Nick trying to stop Tommy and Toby's bleeding  all at once.

"I know.. they're all bitches for hurting some kids." Nick scoffed, continuing to med the boys. I walked over to him, blood covering my hands and arms. I set a hand on Nick's shoulder but he didn't seem phased by it.

"Nick.." I started. He turned to me for a split second but quickly turned back to Tommy, feeling his pulse. "Nick, I'll help."

"Karl." He coldly responded, pausing what he was doing immediately. I showed question in my eyes and he met them with his own. We silently stared at each other for a moment.

"They're both dead. Tommy's heart was pierced with a bullet and Tubbo died from blood loss." Nick explained to me softly, keeping the eye contact.

I shook my head in disbelief, breaking the stare. We sat silent for a moment but I eventually couldn't take it. They can't be dead.

"No, you're lying!" I felt my voice crack, dropping to my knees and feeling Tommy's pulse. I didn't feel a pulse but I didn't break. Nick sat behind me, holding Toby in his arms.

"Liar!" I yelled, turning around and hitting Nick on his arm. My hits were softened by the shakiness of my body from the situation. Nick wasn't phased, only crying silently.

Eventually, I released Tommy from my grip, setting his dead body up against the pole. Nick did the same with Toby, setting him next to Tommy.

"Liar! Liar! Li-.. Li.." My voice wouldn't continue. I couldn't bare it. I stopped hitting Nick and he put his arm around me tightly, crying into my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Karl." He murmured into my ear, tears streaming down both of our faces. I couldn't move, I hugged Nick not budging for anything.

We sat with our arms around each other, crying silently. Tommy and Toby's corpses were sat behind us, next to each other.

•+ Song For This Chapter +•~ don't dwell ~ barnacle boi ~ (slowed) ~

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•+ Song For This Chapter +•
~ don't dwell ~ barnacle boi ~ (slowed) ~

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