3. Inconveniences

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Catherine opened the door of the room in a rush, her blood boiling in her veins. She took off her coat and threw it on the bed, then sighed deeply, getting rid of her shoes.

It was only in that moment that William reached his wife. "Kate," he called, slightly worried. "What happened?"

The Duchess, who had managed to keep a nice smile on her face the whole night, as soon as she got home she burst out. "How dare she, treating my daughter that way?"

William looked completly lost. "Who? What? Kate I need more information, I-"

Immediately, Kate turned to him, pointing at him with the bag she was still holding.

"Ohh that dress is a bit too bright, it could overshadow me because she's the future queen and I'm not, and I need all the attentions, owww" Kate groumble.

"Oh so it's about Meghan!" William said in relief. For a second, he had thought to be the problem, and he wasn't ready to face his wife about something he had done without knowing. "What- what did I miss?" He wondered seconds later.

"While taking the picture," Kate rolled her eyes, changing into her night robe. "She complained because our daughter's dress was too bright - and she did that in front of her!"

"You sure she wasn't complimenting about it?" William raised an eyebrow while slowly undid the tie knot. By the look Kate gave him, he immediately knew. "Oh I see but... It's her big day, maybe she was just... Worried?"

"Excuse me," she sighed. "Is that a justification, in your opinion?"

"Of course not," William agreed, even though he still was a bit reluctant. "Why don't you just tell her? Maybe she'll apologise."

Kate rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "I'm not going to talk to her again anytime soon, and you can be sure about that." She stated. Then she walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind her, meaning that the discussion was over.


"Do you think that Kate chose it?" Suddenly, Meghan turned toward her husband, while carefully undoing her hair.

Harry, who was sitting on their bed waiting for her, raised his head. "Kate chose what?" He asked.

"The dress. Her dress. Victoria's dress, the one she wore at our wedding last week." She pointed out with disappoint.

"What- I don't know," Harry admitted. "What was wrong with that? She looked lovely."

"See, that was the problem. It was too bright. I'm sure she'll stand out in all our wedding photos and all the attentions will be on her," Meghan explained.

"I'm sure she won't," Harry stood up, reaching for his wife. "And they didn't do that on purpose, Kate doesn't do that kind of thing, really." He wrapped his arms around Meghan, and held her thight.

"Oh, whatever," Meghan sighed, still disappointed, as she freed herself from Harry. "Just so I know that: are you always going to be on your family's side even though they're wrong, when we argue, or since I'm now your wife you'll also stand by my side every now and then?"

Taken aback, Harry stood in the middle of the room, silently, for a couple seconds then, just when he was about to say something, Meghan shook her head and rolled her eyes.

"You know what, H? I got you. It doesn't matter," she grabbed a coat that was hanging from a chair. "I'm going to have a walk, don't wait for me awake. See you tomorrow," she stated.

"Meg, wait!" Harry called, following her as she rushed through the halls toward the entrance door. "I never said that-" he tried, but Meghan had already slammed the door, leaving him once again alone and speechless, with his head filled with questions.

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