Chapter 5

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I was exhausted. Tired of everything. The feelings crushing me. The moment I think I would have a normal life came crushed under need hands of the universe. I'm blaming myself and my miserable life.

I was laying in my bed, overthinking things that happened this last week. My sister is on a dead-end, I saw my prick twin brother and now I need to find my soulmate.

Why? My blood was perfect for my sister's donor. My brothers were negative and he wasn't able to help. So, like the asshole he is he put pressure on me. Saying that I'm the only one able to save my sister and I need to find my soulmates to do that.

Thanks to the doctor. He was nice and he said that he got the situation under him. He said that he will do his best to give me time to find my soulmate to help my sister. The doctor also explained some incomes of this surgery. He said that even if I find my soulmate and my body be strong enough for the donor, there still are change to die one of us. I and my sister can don't survive this procedure.

I got back to Korea to my home with a thought. I will find my soulmate for the sake of my sister. She gave me so much so now it's my time to get to her back. This way, I would be able to show how thankful I'm for her. The only person I have left.

After all, things happened, she was the one who stayed. The one who believed me. She was my light in the dark tunnel. Not my brother, not my friends, she was. My sister gave me everything that she can. We two were best friends, sisters, and soulmates by heart.

She was there in the hardest time of my life. And I was there to watch when she lost her other half, her soulmate. But she was strong enough to live farther. She never told me how much pain she was in because all she wanted to see me happy. I blame myself for not seeing her in the pain and now she is in this situation. She is my model, my inspiration. I will give her my everything, as she gave me her.

I shook sobbing. I didn't notice when I started to cry again. After seeing my sister in the bed lifeless, all I can do to just cry. "No," I said to myself. I can't waste time crying, I need to plan and to go search for the soul that I was destined with.

I stood up and went to my full body mirror. I left a breath. Lifting my shirt with another hand tracing lines of my soulmate tattoo. There she was, the first time I saw her she was breathtaking, but after things happened I wasn't able to watch it with the same love as before.

Seeing these flowers on my skin, made me remember. And my memories were sick. The flowers weren't bloomed yet and I knew it will happen when I meet her or him. The flowers were like purple color and it was beautiful, but just not for me, not anymore.

I dropped my hand from my skin. I took a look at myself and all I saw was a little miserable girl. The pain and sadness were painted on my face. I look sick. I was so tired of living, so tired of trying. All I want to give up and let it go. But now I can do it when I will save my sister. Then it will be time.

The only thing, I knew that I was for sure wasn't saying to my soulmate about the situation. I just need an energy firm soulmates bond. I don't do that for myself, for my sister. I don't want a soulmate. I want to be alone.

My brother's words ringing in my mind. "I know you hate this band, but remember you are the only one to save Kora. So suck your little morals and do the thing save her" He said to me. I can't believe he is my blood, my twin. He wasn't like that, but his soulmate changes him and not for good. Now I just feel hate toward him.

Thinking and thinking, I came with a plan. I would be able to find my soulmate alone. My brother didn't help for sure and I didn't have friends. I knew who would be able to help. It would benefit not only me but for them too. I would to my university project and save my sister at one shot. I was going to ask for help from my project partners, Taehyung, and Jungkook.

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