no shitty language

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Lets avoid talking about how terrible this chapter is 😭

TW ~ Strong Words

Tommy's POV:

"So you know what day it is!" Wilbur said, barging into Tommy's room with excitement. 

Tommy groaned. As much as he loved this family, he couldn't handle another family bonding experience like they did last week, him having to have cleaned the entire island after Phil sent Techno to his room for making Wilbur cry.

"Now now, enough with the attitude, it's movie night! We only have these once a month"

"Movie?" Tommy asked, sitting up from his bed. He read about those in this dictionary he got when he was younger.

"You don't know what a movie is?" Wilbur gasped dramatically.

"Well, I know what they are dumbass" Tommy frowned.

"Tommy! None of those words! Not in this household, fuck no! You have injured my heart, the sadness is flooding my body at an uncontrollable pace!" Wilbur said, bringing his hand to his forehead and pretending to faint.

"Who needs movies when I can just watch you?" Tommy said. When Wilbur didn't react, he added, "Dipshit."

"We don't use any of that shitty language in this household, understand me?" Wilbur scolded, before picking up the sleepy Tommy.

"BED!" Tommy shrieked, wanting to go back to sleep.

"No you lazy gremlin. It's 13:47!" Wilbur yelled in disappointment. Tommy sat in Wilburs arms trying to do the math.

Numbers never came easy to him, when anything educational never came easy to him. He's never gone to school. And he hated when Wilbur used times in NOT 12:00 order.

"Wilby, what does that mean?" Tommy asked, playing with Wilbur's hair.

"Thirteen is one, bud," Wilbur said, as he made his way down the stairs.

"Well if you can do the math for me, then why didn't you just say one?" It stresses Tommy out when Wilbur puts him in situations like that. It made him feel stupid, and weak, and inferior. Like what almost thirteen years old couldn't do basic subtraction? 

He was such a loser.

Wilbur could see how sad Tommy felt, and he kept his mouth shut. He didn't know what to say that wouldn't be offensive to Tommy in that situation. 

When Wilbur came downstairs, Techno and Phil were both seated on the couch, with cups of hot cocoa. 

"Nice of you to join us!" Phil said, nodding.

"Yeah" Tommy smiled awkwardly.

"Well have a seat mate, any movie ideas?" 

When no one spoke up, Phil shook his head. "Alright, I'll choose one."

As Tommy made his way to the couch, the familiar feeling washed over his body.

When Tommy made eye contact with the shadow, he realized it wasn't the man in the mask. "I'm going to use the bathroom," Tommy said hurriedly.

When he arrived in the bathroom he slammed the door shut. The shadow ominously followed.

"Who are you?" Tommy asked worriedly. 

"You can call me Q," the shadow replied to him.

"But who the fuck are you? Am I going crazy?" Tommy asked nervously.

"No, I chose to come into your head. Maybe I should tell you a bit about myself. Along with my powers of shapeshifting and mind reading, i'm also a mind dweller. I can appear in your head, you can see me as a shadow, but no one else knows about my presence. I'm technically in your mind."

"Then who was the shadow in the mask?"

"But of course, that was my new friend."

"And why did you choose my head?" Tommy asked warily.

"Because Thomás, I felt I needed to."

"Can you hurt me?" 

"I can not touch you."

"What about mentally?"

"I can."


"I can but i won't, i'm not a monster!"


"Thomás, I think you and I are going to get along mighty fine"

"My name isn't Thomás though?"

"That can be my nickname for you kid."

In any other life, Tommy would have been worried he was going insane, but at the time being, he didn't question it.

"Well then Big Q, maybe we can be friends."

"Now I got to go, I don't have enough strength to stay in your mind for more than 30 minutes a day"

"Yeah yeah, okay then" Tommy said cooly, the events that had just occurred hadn't properly registered in his brain.

"Bye Thomás!" the shadow said excitedly.

"Wait!" Tommy said all of a sudden.

"What's up?"

"You said you were friends with the man in the mask? You said you could read minds, in case you haven't noticed, I lost my memories, but your a mind reader right! You can help me remember!"

"As sadly as it is, I can not, i can only access the memories you remember, not suppressed ones. But if it makes you feel better i'm always up to talk"

"Oh. Well bye then" Tommy said dejectedly.

The shadow vanished, and Tommy flushed the toilet as to pretend he'd actually used the bathroom.

He washed his hands all though he'd not done anything, and exited the room, eyeing Wilbur Techno and Phil, who all sat close to one another.

"Come'ere Tommy," Phil said, patting the couch next to him. Tommy plopped next to him, leaning on his shoulder, as he tried to make sense of the shadow in his mind. The movie played on in the background.

Coincidentally enough, Tommy shortly realized that the movie was about a man who could read minds.

George's POV:

"So we're really doing this?" Sapnap asked doubtfully, but George stayed persistent. He was opening a portal to Hell, as Sapnap complained.

He knew Sapnap meant well, that he was just being cautious, but George needed to go to Hell. He needed to find Dream, and have Dream apologize to him and then BAM, friends again, just like they were before.

It would be that simple, right?

"Yes I'm sure," George said as he backed away from the opening portal, pulling the hood over his head to block his head to his eyes. 

Sapnap, his eyes full of concern, reluctantly stepped through the portal, and after taking a deep breath, George followed.

The portal closed behind them.

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Love you all :)

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