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Andre Kingsley POV

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Andre Kingsley POV

Dad came back from his 'business trip' and oddly was in a very very good mood.

I mean this is not normal.

If we wanna talk normal, he's putting on a fake smile but currently he was sporting a real smile.

One I haven't seen in years.

Other than that, his normal mood, he's either angry or sad.

"Pst. Noah. Noah," I whisper to my older brother whose on his phone, probably looking at memes, not realizing dad even walked into the dining room and sat down.

"What?" He whispered back, looking at me, a confused look on his face.

"Did you see how happy dad is?" I frown, looking at dad again, whose too spaced out to see me and some of my other brothers even staring at him like he was an alien.

He was sure acting like it.

"Yea, he texted in the group chat that he had some news at dinner which is in like 10 minutes," he says swiping through his phone, probably trying to find the text, or maybe just playing the game again.



"How is everyone?" Dad says as he sat at the head chair smiling too much.

I was freaking out. Noah, was trying not to laugh. Nate, was bored, as per usual. Eli, Nick and Liam were all looking pretty interested.

"Great dad, how about you?" I say awkwardly, breaking the tension around the table, giving dad a tight lipped smile, scared for my fucking life.

"I absolutely love life you know," he says, grinning like a madman on 50 pounds of coke.

Now, all of us were most likely concerned about his health.

All 6 of us look at each other scared and weirded out by our own father, communicating through our eyes.

Just then he said, "Come in, darling."


We look around and see a silhouette of a girl that's the same height as me entering through the huge doors of the dining room. She walks closer and sits on the seat opposite of dad. She smirks and I start rapidly blinking.

She has facial feature like mom, or at least the pictures I saw, but has grey eyes and dirty blonde hair, like dad.

Is she?

No it can't be.

We all look at each other and stay silent and then I fall unconscious.


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