Chapter 38

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Veronica's POV

Louis and I immediately arrive at Nicole's house and we don't even bother to knock as we burst in looking for her.

We yell her name but she doesn't reply so we go searching in every room.

We have no idea what happened but when we finally find her in the bathroom, an awful smell of vomit invades the room and we see her kneeled near the toilet, throwing up.

This gives me flashbacks from that party when I ended up drinking too much because I was sick of Nicole going back to James, and Derek helped me, again.

I bet this is happening because of James. He is the center of her problems.

We kneel near her, gently grabbing her hair up while she keeps throwing up.

She finally looks at us and her always perfect makeup is horribly smudged and her red lipstick is mostly on her chin now.

"What happened to you?!" I lift her chin with my hand and she fails to stop the tears.

"I- I caught Olivia with James. They- they were kissing right in front of his house." She cries harder and we both mentally roll our eyes but choose to not show it.

I can feel Louis tense up right next to me.

This is how sick we are of James, but she doesn't seem to understand this.

Then it hits me... I already knew about Olivia being with James, I saw them that night when they lied to me about Derek sleeping with Nicole. The night he kissed me still gives me butterflies, but this isn't the right time to think about that.

I just didn't know they were still a thing but I should have told her either way, I just got so busy...

I pull her in for a hug and she gently pushes me away.

"No. No- I feel like throwing up again. I drank vodka with some random pills..." she admits and Louis and I both look at each other extremely concerned. What?!

"Which pills did you take?!" Louis slightly raises his tone and she flinches.

"I don't know!" She keeps shaking her head and I go to grab her a glass of water.

I look at her arms and bare legs, she is bruised all over and then I glance at Louis. He doesn't seem surprised. He knows.

"You knew?" I yell at him and shove Louis.

"She t- told me yesterday but-"

"You fucking idiot," I yell while standing up.

"He did this to you?" I try to calm down but I fail and Nicolle cries harder.

I kneel again and I feel disgusted by Louis. No matter what we always promised to protect each other, what he did is unacceptable. That jerk hit her.

"Nicole. Reply to me," I speak through gritted teeth and she nods.

I stand up again, horrified and disgusted. Not only he mentally abuses her, but he also hits her. He isn't a man. He is a monster. He is just like my rapist.

I'm mad at myself, I'm mad at Louis. I need to do something about it.

No one could protect me but I'd never let any girl, especially my friend go through this.

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