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"Could you explain what your research is about first?"

"Ah—forgive me for not explaining, how should I explain this," his soft, yet soothing voice trails off. "Allow me to demonstrate."

A leaf, carried by the wind that made its way inside the cave, is grabbed by Albedo as it instantly grows into a narrow tree branch. "This is awakening life, breathing life into fallen leaves. I've been using this method on a seed that I have in my possession, but it seems that such a method doesn't work on other worldly objects. This is the problem that my research is up against."

Woah...that's phenomenal. "Then where does my help come in?"

"You're from afar, you and the seed are similar as in you two hail from other worlds. If anyone can provide clues to bloom this seed then it's you. This is where your assistance is necessary for me." The branch he formed vanishes as quickly as it was made.

"Well, if that's the case then sure, Albedo!" I smile, glad to know that the study is simple enough. "Can I examine the seed first? Plants aren't my strength, but maybe I'll recognize it or something."

"Of course, just a moment," he scoops and dumps more snow into the pot, giving the mixture a mix. He opens his hand, letting a magical, floating seed appear in it. "Do you know what this is by any chance?"

"Eheh...looks like I'll have to go back on my word, Albedo," I slowly admit. "I've never seen a floating seed, let alone a glowing one."

He closes his hand, the seed disappearing. "That's too bad, but it can't be helped. For the research that I would like to conduct, I'd like to study you, Y/N. Perhaps what data I collect will pave a path to blooming this."

"Data? What sort of data do you need from me?"

"Your physical, intelligence, and elemental capabilities are what I aim to test," he starts. "My first research subject was about the elements. In Teyvat, people require visions to manipulate the elements, but I do not see anything resembling one on your person."

I shrug, "Sorry, I don't have the answer to that to be honest. I don't quite live up to what scientific information I have."

"Were you a scientist in your world?"

"I wanted to be one. I studied chemistry and psychology, so I could be an energy researcher," I check my jacket and gloves for how dry they are. They seem dry enough to wear now and I put them both back on. "That ended once I was born in this world."

"You were reborn? How peculiar...that's quite the statement," his eyes examine my person.

"I realize how crazy and even impossible it may sound, but yeah, I basically reincarnated," I awkwardly smile before digging my head into my knees. I scream as quietly as humanly possible "Hngh" nonstop since, well, evERYTHING I'M SAYING SOUNDS ABSOLUTELY ABSURD.

Albedo's POV

Hm...Y/N likely believes that what they say sounds like a myriad of lies. Truthfully, I believe them for the most part as it's a common occurrence for those with low self-esteem to apologize and feel embarrassed by what they say. However, this is merely an observational guess, and right now, I must attend to their emotional needs.

I carefully slide over to their side and rub their back in circles like how I would comfort Klee whenever I took her out of solitary confinement in the Knights of Favonious building. "There's no need to scream, Y/N. Please raise your head and listen to me."

They follow my words and their facial expression appears pained.

"You are a scientist at heart, correct? If so, you should be proud of your research and findings as you've worked hard for them. Even if your situation was unintentional, you should be content with your work in order to further develop your studies for your goal. It may sound difficult with, perhaps, your personal self-image, but I hope that you will consider my advice at least."

Their eyes drift towards the fire as they are likely processing my words. I hope that they prevail through their personal feelings sooner than later.

"You've got a good point," they quietly murmur, gazing at the fire as they move out of their fetal position. "For my love of science, no, as a scientist."

"I should be proud of what knowledge I hold for the sake of others," they announce to themselves as they smile. Y/N swings their torso back with their hands pressing against the floor as they look at me. "Gaaah, who would've guessed that a scientist would be better than an adventurer at comforting others?"


"Well...I occasionally take care of a small child from time to time, so I suppose that I've developed a habit in aiding others," I explain, hoping that Klee hasn't gotten into any serious conflicts today. She's a good child, but Alice's influences are still—strong, to say the least. "Moving on, shall I ask you a few questions regarding your physical abilities?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"Do you perhaps have any extra organs? A second heart? A fourth stomach? Things of that nature."


"Fascinating...you discovered your elemental power during your childhood, how did this come to be?"

"Oh, a few days after a family vacation, my parents and I ended up getting stranded when we were returning to Mondstadt. We got surrounded by samachurls and hilichurls when I screamed," they fling their arms up, forcing their torso to remain in their current position. "Bam! Next thing I see, there's a purple field all around me. All the damage that my parents and I took ended up killing the enemies."

"Mm...where did you go for vacation?"


Inazuma, the nation led by the electro Archon known as Baal. Hm...a vision trinket? No, that's not very likely. Perhaps they were guided to the elemental power of a Inazuma statue.

"Did you ever get near one of the Inazuma Archon statues?"

They nod as they sit up straight once more. What a particular situation. They've been living in Mondstadt, yet for some unknown reason, they are currently unable to resonate with the element of anemo. I'd like to study this and their elemental flow.

"This is merely an educated guess, but it seems that you resonated with the Inazuma Archon's element more than with Barbatos's anemo. As to why, I'm unsure of it, but perhaps I will be able to conclude something after some experimentation," I explain. "Now, if you were to look from here, can you see your parents?"


"And if you jumped from here and landed on that cliff—the one over there—could you see them then?"

"No, I don't have any vision enhancements."

"So what about if you planted a single blow on the mountain face here and it bursted into a million fragments? Then could you see them?"

"Again, no."

"Hm...then I shouldn't get too excited. Still, we'll gain a more thorough understanding with an experiment. Time to get a change of scenery, there's research to be done." The snow has all finally been dissolved and purified to be usable.

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