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a/n: Lottie's outfit for the chapter is above!

uhm...another fair warning, get a tissue box.

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Charlotte got out of the truck, at last, being seated in the middle between Rebekah and Paulina. "So, we are here because Stefan's little secret isn't so much of a secret now, right?"

"Yes, yes we are," Rebekah nodded, folding her arms together.

"No, no," Paulina shook her head, replying, "They are back because of what Stefan failed to mention to them. You and I, though, Nah," She grabbed Charlotte's hand before pulling out her phone.

"What are you doing?"

"Ordering an Uber?" The Gilbert rolled her eyes, responding before Charlotte attempted to pull her hand back, only for Paulina to tighten her hold, "Nope, in your dreams. Miss I have no feelings, whatsoever."

Charlotte mumbled, huffing out, "What do you want Paulina? Are you ready to fail again?"

"Yeah...very much."

✵ ✵ ✵

Their uber ride stopped in front of Mystic Falls' infamous ice cream shop before Paulina walked out, tightening her jacket around herself. She turned to Charlotte, finding her frowning as she looked over at the place.

"Why are we here?" She asked, blinking back as the last time she had been here played in the back of her mind. No, this is wrong. I can't be here.

Paulina rubbed her hands together before shrugging, "You want me to lay off forcing emotions back into you? Fine, agreed but just give me this night and I swear to God, I will never try again."

"You are wasting your time," Charlotte chuckled, turning her back to the place before freezing in her step when her eyes fell over the bench right in front of the shop.

"Oh...that felt good but it...was freezing!!"

She shook her head, laughing aloud before an idea popped into her mind, "Oh, we should go to the kids' park! They brought in a new swing!"

eunoia, 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐅𝐀𝐍 ¹ ✔Where stories live. Discover now