scene v

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F E B R U A R Y, 1 9 7 6


SIRIUS, JAMES AND Peter were extremely excited for the full moon.

The Lupin twins, not so much.

It seemed as the trio didn't understand what they were actually dealing with.

Remus tried numerous of times to make them understand that the experience wasn't that magical.

And Venus had convinced them to simply watch for the first full moon. The twins had been a pack of nerves all day. They had been so nervous that going to class was practically impossible.

Venus had rambled a shit excuse so that Lily would let her stay in bed. Alice had also promised to take notes for all her missed classes.

The one that was harder to deal with was Gideon. The boy had not wanted to leave her side for one minute. He even threatened to glue them together when she wouldn't stop whining about him being clingy.

"I'm fine, Red. Go to class", she had said while pushing him off of her.

"Sure, you look like you haven't slept in a week. You should go see Mrs Pomfrey"

He told her all day as she simply stayed curled up in front of the fireplace.

When the night finally fell upon Hogwarts, Mrs Pomfrey was bringing the two werewolves towards the whomping willow.

The huge tree was known to hurt and smash anything that got to close to it.

Casting a spell on it, the woman quickly let the Lupin twins get down to the shrieking shack.

"You should go Poppy, it's almost midnight"

Remus told her as she nodded before waving them goodbye. Venus would've payed a lot of money for the woman to stop looking at them.

Every time she met Mrs Pomfrey's eyes, she could see pity in her eyes.

The woman always looked at them as if it was the most horrible thing that's ever happened.

The only horrible thing was that they were both scarred for life. Venus had a scar from her ear to the middle of her cheek.

While Remus had three scars in the middle of his face. People were always taken back when they first met the twins, they were used by it now.

"How many people know about you?"

James asked while arriving inside the shrieking shack. "Dumbledore, McGonagall and Poppy", Venus said as she saw the three boys transform into their animagus form.

"I'm going to charm this door, you can see but we can't get to you"

Remus stated as the three animals nodded. As soon as the boy had finished the spell, he and Venus hide their wands so they wouldn't break during the transformation.

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