Day 15

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AN: Hi, everyone; I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

Welcome to my personal escape of gifts and love. Remember to check my ig at vmarslover for sneak peeks and pictures.

Disclaimer: I don't own TMI. Also, not a published author, just someone with ideas and no beta.

Counting Down to You: Day 15 (0.5+)

December 15th

The next morning I wake feeling so much better and go about my daily routine with no problem. I get ready, fed max, and make it to work on time.

The problem being, where's my advent?


I go about my day, and even Izzy stops by for her regular butter croissant and skinny vanilla latte.

We talk as I craft her beverage and send her on her way.

My morning goes easy; mom is off today since it is Tuesday. Only me and Aline, for the morning and afternoon rush, Maia will come in later to close since I am the sucker who had to open the cafe for a change.

Luckily mom and I have Saturday off to finish our side of the traditions.

We are going to spend the day drawing and baking. Then Luke, I, and mom will drive around, looking at lights.

Simple things make the best memories, in my opinion.

I push Aline back to register and continue to work on the bar.

I make peppermint mocha after peppermint mocha. Extremely repetitive, but it is strangely comforting, especially with all the changes in my life.

One thing I did not foresee happening was the person waking in the front door.

During a brief break in the rush, I glance at the door and see a blonde head walk in, which is too white to be Jace.

It turns out it is my childish brother.

Holding a familiar green gift with a red bow.

He examines the café probably because it has been several years since he has stepped foot in here.

He gives me an aloof grin and yells, "Sup sis," as he slides the present to the handoff tray for me.

I reach for it taking it away from him, and ask the burning question.

"Why are you in the city?'

He shrugs, "I needed to make this delivery, and I was set to be in town anyway. So here I am."

I wipe my hands on my apron and take the gift and start untying it. As I do so, I ask, "Where are you staying? And for how long?"

Yet again, the man shrugs and gives me a grin. "I was hoping you'd have some space with your boyfriend gone."

I roll my eyes, "He isn't gone. He is in LA; you are just salty; he gave me Die Hard." With that, I reach into my back pocket and toss my apartment keys at him, and comment again with " Let Max outside; he hasn't had a good walk in a few days."

He smiles, and bids me a thank you and skips out of the café like the child he is.

He didn't even wait for me to open the gift.

I take the box to the back and pull the ribbon apart.

Inside is five wrapped sketchbooks completely empty, with a white charm box.

I flip open each book until the last one drops a piece of paper.

I pick up the note and notice right away; it is Jace's writing.

'5 books for each year.'

I smile; I love this man.

I pop the box open, and inside is another charm of a Kangaroo, probably in respect to our trip to Australia last January.

It is the moments like this that really make me realize how special Jace is. Like who would do this? Have it so planned out and have so many people around?

My heart fills with joy.

The sadness.

8 more days.

AN: Hehe, thanks for reading!

So Jonathan is staying with her now. Things can get interesting.

Questions: So, what colour is next? (New One!), What gifts would you like to see? What has been your favourite gift? What charms do you think is next? When will Jon be leaving?

See you next time! Stay Safe!

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