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|| honestly |FINN WOLFHARD| ||

y/n was having a rough week and natalie's presence was not helping at all

this girl was a "friend" of y/n from high school
she introduced her to the group friend in 2017 and since then, she's been stuck on finn
and y/n and finn were already dating there

she made herself look like a friend but she was not that at all

"y/n, you have to eat something" said finn placing an arm around her
"i will"

she stood up and walked to the kitchen, where everyone else was sitting around the table

"hey guys" y/n smile weakly
cole turned around to face the girl "hey kid, how are you feeling today?"
"not so good" she said as she opened the fridge

"how is going with finn y/n/n?"
the question that y/n didn't want to be asked, was asked
by who? by natalie

"bitch" y/n thought

"um, is going great, yeah" she said looking at finn and smiling

"um finn, just call me when you break up with her" natalie winked at him
"what the fuck?" y/n said calmly looking at the snake that was in front of her

"dude, let's be honest, he's going to, sooner or later"
"i don't really think so natalie" finn said grabbing y/n's hand under the table

she smiled

y/n sighted "what natalie, what?"

"you um, you know that, i mean, he can do so much better"
"yes natalie, i know that" y/n said and finn furrowed his eyebrows
"well, just reminding you"
"well, i don't need you to, thank you" she smiled sarcastically

"y/n, just admit it, you know that you're not good enough for him"
natalie started to get annoying and y/n started to get tired

"look, just to make things clear; i don't need you to remind me that i'm not good enough for him, of if him can do better, i already know that.
and i know that he can have every girl he wants to, a girl like you, for example: blonde hair, blue eyes, skinny, the typical California girl;
you're and actress, a dancer, a model..."
Natalie smiled proudly

"and i'm totally the opposite of that; i have
y/h/c, i have y/e/c, i'm less skinnier than you, i have curves, i have big hips; you can go out with a thigh skirt, or a thigh dress, that you don't feel insecure with your body, but i can't do that, you know why? because if i do i have to come back home and change to other clothes, because i don't feel comfortable with the way i look in those.
i'm just a ordinary girl; a girl that works on a fucking Starbucks, i'm just irrelevant; i can't buy a Gucci bag, or a Chanel bag, or just a simple Gucci t-shirt, because i don't have enough money for that; so please shut the fuck up for once in your life, stop making people feel the way that you do, stop telling me how worthless i am and that i cannot be with a guy like Finn, and mind your fucking business"

y/n let out a big sight, and with tears in her eyes, she walked upstairs and locked herself in Finn's room

"y/n..." Finn whispered

| Finn |

what the fuck just happen?

"Natalie, i think is better if you leave" said my brother opening the door for her
she got up and walked out

y/n left all of us speechless
i never, ever noticed that she felt like that

"Finn, go upstairs and check on her, she's not okay" said Cole touching my shoulder

i nodded and walked upstairs

| no one's pov |

finn knocked on the door but y/n didn't open it
"baby, come on"

"go away finn" she said from inside

finn sighted and gave up

"no, please, stay" y/n said opening the door

he looked at her with tears in his eyes

"baby..." he hugged her like she was a piece of glass, a fragile one

"you never told me that you felt like this, why?" he said looking at her in the eyes
"i'm sorry, i never wanted to, i guess it was not a big deal"
"of course it is" finn hugged her again

"come here" he said laying under the blankets, she following

they cuddled the rest of the day and night
no one bothered them and that was good
natalie was finally gone

they were cool
"y/n, i love you, and i don't care where you work or how do you think you look and are, you are perfect, inside and out"
"i love you too baby"


words: 872

hey! i didn't make this to make anyone feel bad!
i'm 100% sure that all of you are perfect on your way and you don't have to change for anything or anyone; and if you change, do it for yourself!
you are worth it and beautiful and amazing and perfect and there are people that loves you for you, that will always be there to support you!
never give up, you got this!

stay safe 🤍
- A xoxo

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