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(This was during lunch  on the same day)

(Y/n)'s Pov

Class had just ended and I was walking to lunch already. Ive never been nervous around Kaitlyn before but I was scared to tell her that I gave a random stranger who I had just met my number.

I saw Kaitlyn standing right in front of the lunchroom entrance, with Kenma and Kuroo.

I walked up to them, gave Kuroo a high five and walked near Kaitlyn. I didn't want to be near Kenma, I was scared that he would say something about earlier that morning so I kept my distance from him. I could tell he was trying to talk to me because about 4 times he opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out.

We were all sitting outside with our lunch. Kenma was on his gaming console, Kuroo and Kaitlyn were chatting and I was listening. "(Y/n) don't think I forgot about what happend earlier were still going to talk about it." I froze and pretended to not know what she was talking about by shrugging. She sat in front of me and said, "So, who was that guy?" I frowned and rolled my eyes at her and went up to her ear to whisper what happened.  It took me about 5 minutes to tell her the whole story. When I finished she then told Kenma and Kuroo. "So you just met this guy and you gave him your number?" Kuroo asked. I nodded. "I don't even have you number chibi-chan, aren't I you dear friend."  he said jokingly pretending to be hurt. I smiled at him and gave him my phone to put his number in since he was complaining.

*Gasp* "Really?" he said in small shock. I again nodded yes. "This is the greatest moment of my life." he said wiping a fake tear. I giggled covering my smile with my hands.

"(Y/n) can I tell you something in private please?"
We all turned our head to Kenma who was looking down fidgeting with his hands. I didn't really want to but I didn't want to be rude so I hesitantly nodded yes. " Ok let go over here." he got up and to lead me somewhere not to far away from Kaitlyn and Kuroo. Just went I was about to leave Kaitlyn grabbed my hand and said,  "Are you sure?" "Will you be ok?" I nodded and smiled at her and me and Kenma walked into an empty hallway.

We stood there for a few seconds in complete silence looking down at the floor too scared to do and say anything to each other.

"I'm sorry ( Y/n)." Kenma said sadly. I looked up a little shocked. I waved my hand back and forth signaling that he didn't have to apologize but he continued. "I didn't take caution into what you might think."  He seemed super nervous. " I know how talking is a big deal for you, and i'm sorry for the way my reaction was and how it may have seemed bad to you, I was just so shocked and happy that you actually talked to me." At this point I was a blushing mess.

"Your voice is really beautiful (Y/n)..."

"and you shouldn't be ashamed of it."

"So what i'm trying to say is.. will you forgive me?"

I didn't respond cause really I was a little moved.
I felt bad cause maybe I overreacted a bit. I went up to him and hugged him. He tensed up at first but quickly returned the hug squeezing me tightly.

"You don't ever have to be afraid to talk to me (Y/n) i'll always listen too you ok?"

I nodded ok while I was still hugging him.

"Well we should get back to Kuroo and Kaitlyn already, so they don't come to find us."

I nodded and blushed letting go of him and started walking back to our friends.

"So did y'all finally make up?" Kuroo asked with a smirk on his face. Kenma and I looked up at each other and we both had small blushes on our faces. We both nodded yes and we continued to eat our lunch.

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