Alice's Monster

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(Your POV)


A long, melancholy howl can be heard throughout the dormant studio.

"What was that?" I say, coming over and hugging Bendy's arm.

"No." Bendy says. "No, no, no, no, no."

"What?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Boris isn't okay." Was all he said. Three simple words, but it created a pit in my stomach that weighed a million tons.

"No. He has to be okay. He'll be fine. Right?" I say, shaking my head.

"He's not." He says. "I felt his soul slip from the ink. He's gone."

"No...he can't...he can't..."

Bendy pulls me into a hug.

"I'm sorry."

"No...he can't be dead...I can't lose someone"

"Hey," He pulls out of the hug and crouches down to my level, so our heads are level. "I promise, you won't lose me. I'll always stay with you. I'm here with you now, and I'll stay right here."

He puts his forehead on mine, I close my eyes and let tears fall.

"I love you too much to die on you." He says, pulling me into a hug again.

My eyes jolted open as I realized something. I pulled away and put my hands on my head in unbelief.

"Oh my god." I say.

"What?" Bendy asks. "What's wrong?"

"Bendy, my dad's here. I completely forgot, he's here and he could be dead too."

"He's here? Really?"

"Yes! He could be dead too, I can't lose someone else, I knew this would happen, I knew I would get attached and lose someone, I just knew..."

"(Y/N), we don't know if he's dead, calm down. I can look for him. I can see through the Bendy cutouts. It'll be fine."

I look up at him.

"Promise?" I ask.

"Promise." He replies. "And besides, where could he possibly be that's dangerous? It's a big studio, I'm sure he's fine."

(Henry's POV)

"Stupid carnival rides!!" I shout in anger, dodging another mechanical arm.

Bertrium Peidmont somehow 'became' an amusement park ride. And he's really annoying because he won't die.

"Come on!!" I shout at it, shaking my axe. "Gimme all you've got! I don't have all day!"

On impulse, it seemed, Bertrium launched a mechanical arm at me. I dodged, and it became stuck in the ground. I sprang into action, hitting the bolts that connected his joints and arm.

The bolts began to fall off.

Eventually, he was completely dismantled and he gave up.

"Keep calm, Henry." I say to myself. "You'll go home, see your girls, and you can tell this to them like a bedtime story.

"It's fine.

"You're fine."

(Bendy's POV)

He's definitely been here.

Bertrium is down, the games have been played, he's definitely come through here.

"RRROOOAAARRR!!" An ear-splitting roar echoes through the once-silent room.

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