Chapter 36

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Ame's P.O.V (I can already see the rage comments)

I waited for what seemed like forever, but his lips eventually parted and his answer filled the room.


I lightly smiled and started towards the other half of the couch.

While I sauntered over there, I took in the atmosphere that contrasted with my tormented heart. It was calm, collected, and surreal, so much so, that it made me wonder if it was even real.

What if everything right now was simply like the dream; fake?

But, no. When I sat down across from him I could feel everything. Everything from the smallest tweek up until the crash of me falling back onto the cushions.

It was all real and I was really about to do this.

"So," Russia spoke up, as he cleared his throat. "Vhat did you vant to talk about?"

I opened my mouth to respond, but I found that my throat had closed and the only sound that would come out was a nervous giggle of sorts.

I tried again and it finally worked, "Well, I wanted to talk about something that has been happening to me over that past couple of weeks-"

"Arrre zhe states alrrright? Is zhat what is botherrring you?" Russia interrupted.

I shook my head, "No, no. They have nothing to do with this and I still don't know, but I hope to receive their report soon."

"Could it be Mexico? Is she botherrring you?" He asked.

I shook my head once more, "No, not really. At least, not in the way that you would think she would be."

"Zhen it must be zhat you arrre zhinking about...about..." His voice trailed off. I could tell that he wasn't sure of what I wanted to talk to him about. "Vhat do you vant to talk vith me about?"

"You." I plainly answered, while I took my right hand and pointed a finger at him. "Well, more specifically, you, me, and our friendship."

He looked at me with a somewhat puzzled expression, "Vhat about us and ourrr frrriendship is it zhat you vant to talk about?"

I flicked my eyes down and back up at his face and took a silent deep breath. I suddenly felt insecure, like I had not given myself enough time, which I had not.

My skin felt hot and it gave me the urge to claw at it, however I resisted.

I wanted to escape, however I resisted.

I wanted to go back and lock myself in the bathroom, however I resisted.

I wanted to stop.

Yet, I pushed onwards,

"Russia," My voice forced out, even when my brain was telling them otherwise. "Before this experience, I thought of you as the majority of my people did; that you were the rotten scum of this Earth."

Wow, great way to start out, America.

"But, when we first made that truce, I learned of a new side to you. That one was full of kindness and integrity. In those early days, I'd often link you to a rock. Sure, they weren't the prettiest things in the world, but they were the building blocks for everything to come and they served as a support system; like you had to me."

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