viii. otters and unforgivable curses

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   MAD EYE BURST INTO THE CLASSROOM, stopping in front of the chalkboard where he began to scribble down his name

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MAD EYE BURST INTO THE CLASSROOM, stopping in front of the chalkboard where he began to scribble down his name. "alistor moody. ex-auror. ministry mal-content. i'm your new defence against the dark arts teacher. i'm here because dumbledore asked of me. end of story. goodbye, the end." he snapped bluntly. "any questions?" his false eye surveyed the students. "when it comes to the dark arts, i believe in a practical approach. but first, which of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?"

"three sir." hermione answered immediately.

"and they are so named?" mad-eye asked for more clarity, turning back to the blackboard.

"because they are unforgivable. the use of any one of them will—"

"—earn you a one-way ticket to azkaban. correct. now, the ministry says you are too young to see what these curses do. i say different! you need to know what you're up against! you need to be prepared!—"

paris chucked a ball of parchment at hermione's head, a note concealed inside of it.

"owch!" hermione hissed, turning behind her to glare at the brunettte.

"open it." paris rolled her eyes.

"—and you need to learn to communicate after class instead of sending notes, miss lovelace!" moody finished, without taking his eyes off the board.

"no way—" the girl murmured. "the lunatic can see from the back of his head..."

"and hear across classrooms!" he shouted, throwing a stick of chalk her way. "so, which curse shall we see first? weasley!"

"yes?" ron flinched, looking up at the professor with a quivering lip.

"stand." he ordered. "give us a curse."

CARELESS WHISPER , h. grangerWhere stories live. Discover now