The Bad Boy's Girl by JessGirl93

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The Bad Boy's Girl by JessGirl93

Hi,my name is Tessa O'Connell and I know a boy who: -Frustrates me to no end -Argues with me all the time -Likes going through my underwear drawer -Steals my (supposedly cleverly hidden) stash of Kit Kats -Calls me shortcake even though I'm 5'7 -Makes me cry like a baby -Has an unhealthy obsession with my personal life BUT he also happens to be my guardian angel and somehow I've started to (almost) like him...SHOCKER?


Ahhhhhh! This is a beau-ti-ful book! I'm totally caught by its amazingness... Hook line and sinker. Oh god, for a change, I stopped stalking the romance category for a bit and slipped into humour. This is the result! <3 this! SOoOoO different to any bad boy story and that's saying something, I have read a lot of bad boy based stories but I've gotta say. This one tops 'em all! I sound like some fangirl huh... Just waiting for updates! Please. Please. pLeAsE! Read this! Remember, my last top ten chapters 90-100 are my supposed 'last' words... And amazing books. Like, jaw dropping amazing. If you're going to read any of my recommendations... Just read 90-100. Please.

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