Telephone : Yunjoong *M*

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Hongjoong was watching the television in his bedroom calmly, mostly using it for background noise as he played a game on his phone. It was one of his days off from work, and he was excited to do nothing all day with his boyfriend. While his boyfriend was in the other room playing his video games, he decided to relax in the bedroom in their bed. It was only mid afternoon, so he was a little sleepy after eating their delicious lunch of leftover lasagna.

Since he was home, he didn't even bother to dress as he relaxed in his green and black sweater. He was in his the comfort of his own home, why should he wear anything more? He was comfortable wearing just this, and the sweater was long enough it came down to his knees and the sleeves went past his hands like perfect sweater paws.

As he was playing on his phone, he suddenly received a phone call and smiles softly when his mother's name pops up in the phone, "Hey mom!" He answers immediately, pulling the phone up to his ear.

"Hey baby! I was just on my way home from the grocery store and I thought I would talk to you for a bit! I haven't heard from you in almost a week, are you doing okay?"

"Yeah I'm doing alright," Hongjoong smiles, playing with the hem of his sweater, "I'm just home today chilling. I get two days off in a row this week so I'm enjoying it while I can."

As his phone call with his mother continued on, he starts getting that nostalgic feeling of missing his mother. He felt bad being busy all the time, but it feels nice catching up with his mother and today was the perfect day to do so. And she loved to talk about everything and anything. With her being a hairdresser, of course it was one of her many traits. She was used to talking to people, she did so all the time every day!

As they grew lost in the conversation of his mother talking about her recent work drama, Hongjoong noticed in the corner of his eye his boyfriend peaking into the room. He smiled softly, mouthing softly to him, "Mom."

His boyfriend, Yunho, nods in understanding as he enters the room, standing by the bed. As he stood there, Hongjoong grew lost in the conversation again with his mother, this time she was talking about another hair dresser about her recent success in pregnancy. Hongjoong needed to adjust his legs from a slight cramp forming in them, accidentally revealing himself to his boyfriend who stood in front of him.

Yunho blushes a deep red that reaches the tips of his ears, but smirks right after. He slowly moves towards the bed, crawling towards Hongjoong slowly with hunger in his eyes. Hongjoong's eyes widen when he realizes where Yunho is going with his motive, and subconsciously spreads his legs more to reveal himself. Yunho places a single kiss on one of the smaller male's knee, trailing his lips up his smooth leg to his thigh.

Hongjoong let's out a shaky breath, his mom quieted before breaking his focus, "Joongie? Sweetie are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah mom I'm fine!" He lord easily, "So other than Rebecca giving you shit and Tori's fourth pregnancy, how is everyone else there?"

"Oh yeah everyone's fine! Cherri is still working!" His mother huffs, "You would think after the many scalps she's burned and hair she has damaged, she would be gone by now but nope! We're so short handed..."

As his mother continued on with her rant, Yunho places kisses all over Hongjoong's thighs and inner crevices of his hips. The older bites his lips to contain his sighs of pleasure as Yunho's tongue teasingly licks the base of his ever so hard cock. Hongjoong hums along with his mother's story, barely even listening but trying to do everything he can to not making it obvious his boyfriend is pleasuring him.

That is, until Yunho spreads apart his plump ass cheeks and licks a hungry stripe right at his entrance. He gasps at the sudden shock of pleasure, his mother stops talking, "Baby? What's going on?"

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