Chapter 6

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Jungkook pov:

It's was a casual week for us. Maybe not. Jin's health was going up and down past days and it's stressing us all. We all are afraid of him and our final soulmate. One day he is feeling happy and like actual him. But other days he isn't like the same person.

Jin looks like a roller-coaster of emotions. When he isn't like him, he is very sad and his soulmate tattoo starts to hurt him. We tried to talk with a specialist about it and find a solution, but he said that the bond isn't completed and it's starting to have symptoms. He also mentioned that in time we all feel the same as Jin.

The specialist said, that if we want it over we need to find our last soulmate like we didn't know that. I wanted to find our last piece, not only because I am afraid of symptoms. I just don't feel complete.

I have my other six soulmates and they're my everything. They all my precious pieces, without them I'm not me. But I have this strong feeling toward our last soulmate, even I didn't meet her or him. I talked about this feeling with Jin and he said he is feeling the same.

He said that it's maybe because her soulmate flower is the closest to our heart. Our soulmate tattoo indeed had eight flowers and our last soulmate flower is the closest to our heart. It's the same for all seven of us.

I will be thinking past days, how I want our last soulmate to be a girl. I don't know why, I just want it. I of course wouldn't be mad if it's a boy, but I just have a hunch it's gonna be a girl and I'm super happy about it. It just makes me all giddy inside. And I know for sure, that guys want a girl in our family too.

I can't, but just imagine us all eight to be one big happy family. I often dream about how we eight are cuddling or just having a family dinner time. We didn't find our last piece, but I already feel so strong about him or her. Not a secret, but I want our last soulmate to be a younger one, just because I could spoil her/him. Just thought about it, put a smile on my face.


I'm chilling in my room, going through my university work, when I hear a knock on my door. "come in" I look behind me to see Tae entering. He beams at me with his boxy smile. His curly hair falls on his face and I brush it for him. "What's up?" I said. I sit down next to him on the bed and he took my hand in his.

"I think now we would able to do our art project" Tae smiles at me. I furrow my eyebrows. I thought that girl Ray isn't able now. Our professor informed us that she can't start with us because of her family problems. "But that girl Ray, I thought we wouldn't need to do it because she isn't able to?" I asked.

"Oh, I got a text from her, saying that she free now and she has a good idea for our project work," Taehyung said. "And we going to meet her now, so up" He took my hand and pulled me toward my closet. "Get ready in 10. Would wait in the living room" and we that he left. I sighed and got ready.

I met Taehyung in the living room and I took his hand leaving the house. We both bit our goodbyes to our soulmates. Taehyung said, that Ray would wait for us in Cafe close to the university. It was a short walk for us because we live partly close to the university.

Entering Cafe us the great smell of coffee and pastry. Back of Cafe in the corner I and Tae spotted the girl we needed to meet. Taehyung dragged me to her table and we both sit down opposite her.

It wasn't the first time I saw her, but she looked beautiful. She had long straight hair, her skin was tan like Taehyung and she had these dark brown eyes that almost looked black. Her eyes were rounded and if you look closely it was similar to mine. Her lips were full and pink with a little red tone, almost like Jimin.

When we sit down she smiled at us showing her two dimples that I wanted to poke. It's was almost like Namjoon dimples. Her smile radiated positivity and light, kinda like Hoseok. Why did she look like us combined? No, I may be just compared her to my soulmates.

I don't know why, but she gives me this warm bubbling feeling inside. I saw her a couple of times before but never this close before. I'm happy that we got paired with her. Why I have these feelings for her? I can't I just need to feel this just toward my soulmates. But I just can't shake it. I kinda wish that she would be our last piece.

"Guys, I have a great idea for our project. It would help me a lot and it also benefits you two" Ray smirked and my heart skipped a beat.

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