Get in

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We walked until we found a junkyard. There was a small hole at the bottom of the fence around it so we crawled inside to find ourselves a car. Well, I was finding the car and suicide man was shitting his pants at the thought of being caught. We sneaked our way inside, trying hard to avoid the cameras. I checked each car until I found the perfect Ibiza. With my elbow, I hit the window of the driver's seat and unlocked it. I sat inside and hot-wired the car to start it.

"Get in," I told suicide man and he blinked severally. After thinking about it and coming to the conclusion that it was better to sit in. He did. That's when the owner of the junkyard came into view. He was standing right in front of our Ibiza. I heard suicide man swallow a lump. I laughed.

Stepping on the accelerator, I sped past the forty-year-old man, almost hitting him. I drove right through the fence as the man screamed right behind us. I looked a back and laughed. I saw him smile, then he burst out with me.

I realized that that was my first genuine laugh since I was born.

Hey, y'all. This is the shortest chapter ever.
Have you realized that Claire and Brian do not know each other's names.
It will get weirder when they will... *Oops, I gotta learn how to keep my mouth shut*

See you, peeps, later... Bye, love you🥺💃🥰
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