Face Off

919 36 15

Leeezz gooo

The planet Kerell comes into view. The planet itself has a rich history of seeing war. During the Clone Wars the capital of the planet was assaulted by separatist forces. And during the Empire's reign the capital was once again attacked. This time by rebel forces attacking a severely out numbered stormtrooper corps.

Alice: So that's where we're supposed to find her?

Y/N: Apparently.

Alice: Where do we start?

Y/N: Planet's capital. It's bound to have someone who knows something or heard something.

Alice: And what are we supposed to do about her children?

I look at my armor and weapons.

Y/N: I will deal with them when the time comes.

My ship lands in the planet's capital city. I look over at Alice as she grabs her umbrella.

Y/N: I don't think you'll be needing that.

Alice: You never know.

I shrug my shoulders as I adjust my rifle and pistol.

Y/N: Let's get a move on.

We step out of the ship into a hangar. Pit droids go around servicing ships.

We leave the hangar and step into the busy city streets. Buildings look over our heads several stories high.

Alice: Where should we start looking?

I glance around before walking in no general direction. Someone is watching us right now. Can't prove it but after years of doing this I developed a gut feeling.

Alice: Where are you going?

Y/N: Don't know. Stay close to me.

I need to get somewhere I can protect her easily. I fear there's a bounty hunter here.

Eventually my feet come to a stop. In front of me is a black reflective wall. On that wall are a lot of names.

Alice: Whats this?

I look the wall up and down.

Y/N: This planet remained pro Empire even after the fall.

I look to my left and see a group of people with distance looks in their eyes.

Y/N: This is a memorial.

I trace my finger across the wall before stopping at a quote from the battle of Kerell.

Y/N: "We will resist. And we will bite. Commander Y/N 'Knox' L/N of the 607th legion"

Alice: Hey where'd everyone go?

I turn around and see that the surrounding area is now empty. And then a figure drops down about 20 feet away from us.

 And then a figure drops down about 20 feet away from us

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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