How everyone looks like:

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The story starts in the next chapter, i just wanted to say something:

At first I want you to take a look at the pictures of every character so its easier for you to imagine the story.

At first I want you to take a look at the pictures of every character so its easier for you to imagine the story

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Reina Parker, Gryffindor, 6th year, 5'6 foot tall

Reina Parker, Gryffindor, 6th year, 5'6 foot tallHalfblood

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Tony Black, Slytherin, 6th year, 6'2 foot tall.

Draco Malfoy, Slytherin, 6th year, 6'1 foot tall

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Draco Malfoy, Slytherin, 6th year, 6'1 foot tall.

I hope you'll like this story more than my other one.

My apology.
george weasley [🌶spicy🌶]' it was trash if im honest and on top of that it was the first story I ever did. Im so sorry for the grammer and everything im not that good at english because im not from America or England or from anywhere where you speak english. I promise you this story is better and I tried my best not to mess up the writing again.

(Story starts in the next chapter)

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