Chapter 23; H

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Several days had passed and his words were still etched in her brain from the moment he said them to her.

Granger, you don't want me here. Don't let yourself think that you do.

They bothered her more than she would've like to admit. They replayed over and over in her mind like a broken record. They made her question everything.

What did the library mean? When she was there with him everything felt right. All of her worries disappeared when he touched her. But here in Azkaban she still felt the hatred for him that she felt all their years in Hogwarts.

He was right, she didn't want him here in Azkaban. She wanted the version of him that was in the library. The cheeky guy who didn't have the baggage of his past. The guy that made her smile and feel things that she would never tell a soul.

Draco didn't want the Hermione that was in Azkaban, that was obvious. He didn't want the weak, ugly version of her that had been deteriorating since the moment they entered the prison. It exceeded that though. He hadn't wanted her since the day he met her.  This proved that the isolation just tricked his mind into wanting her.

But wasn't that what she planned to happen all long? Why was she so upset that he hadn't wanted her all their years in school? Why did it bother her that the only reason he touched her here, was because she was the only option?

She shook her head and tried to bury the thoughts that were so persistent to be dug up. She planted them deep within her, hoping they would never reach the light of day again.

"Granger—" Draco called from the vent interrupting her thoughts.

What great timing. She thought to herself. After days of barely talking, he tries to start up a conversation now.


She was nervous. Days ago, she asked him about exploring the grounds of Hogwarts, and she figured today was the day. She didn't know what to expect, because every encounter they had in the visions didn't require much talking.

"Do you want to go..." he said drawing out the question.

She paused for a moment, staring at the vent.

She knew in her heart that she wanted to say yes to him. She wanted to forget everything and run the halls of Hogwarts with him, but it wasn't feasible. Sooner or later those feelings would carry over. She couldn't allow that to happen.

She had to remind herself of what would happen if she escaped with his family. She couldn't become attached to him. It would compromise her plan and the Order. She told herself the moment she arrived she wouldn't let anyone get in her way of escaping and winning the war. Not even Draco or his family.

"Hello...Granger," he called again.

"Um, yes. I'm ready," she said caught off guard.

Draco started to whisper the spell under his breath and she could feel herself falling. This time it wasn't as invasive as the last. Her mind felt like it was swirling, but it wasn't as noticeable anymore. It just felt like she was drifting away from reality. She closed her eyes and didn't open them until she landed on the carpet with a thud.

"I'll never get used to that. It's easier when I'm sleeping," she said straightening her clothes.

Draco stood across from her chuckling. She became self-conscious and tried to fix her hair. It probably looked wild.

"Worried about what I think of you?" Draco said with a smirk. This made her cheeks grow red. He looked like a prince in comparison to her.

"No, not at all," Hermione said hiding her embarrassment. She stood tall and tried to look unbothered.

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