I fell down to earth.

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(This is for my cousin who told me to make this.)

(Tubbo alien crash lands in L'manburg. Tommy meets the alien and they become friends.)


"Mama?" The brown eyed boy looked up at his mother.

"You have to go in here, okay?" The mother placed the little one into the pod.

"But I don't wanna go." His lip quivered.

"I'm sorry baby. But you have too." She placed a kiss to his forehead.

"I wuv you mama."

"I love you too baby. You'll always be mine." The doors to the pod closed and a robotic voice started its count.






The pod was blasted into the dark void full with stars. It's destination?



A young blonde sat on the ground, a toy spaceship in hand. He made it fly through the air, making jet like noises. His brother, Wilbur, sat on a chair, carefully observing the young boy.

The front door to the cottage opened and slammed shut, a loud thump of a pair of shoes stole the brother's attention away.

A pink haired man spoke, "Will, you need to see this."

The brunette quickly got up from the chair and picked up the blonde, who yelped, and balanced him on his hip.

"Let's go."


"My name is Phil. What's yours?" The man in the bucket hat said.

"I'm T-Tubbo." He wiped his tears from his cheeks.

"Tubbo. What a wonderful name." He smiled.

"Phil!" A voice called out. The man turned seeing his sons, he stood from his squat position.

"Hey, you brought Tommy?"

"Did you want me to leave him at home?" Wilbur sassily replied.

"Point proven."

"Enough, whose the kid?" Techno spoke up.

"His name is Tubbo. He hasn't really stopped crying. Poor thing must be scared to death." He glanced at the boy in the pod.

"Have Tommy talk to him." Wilbue said.

"No, we're not welcoming a child by introducing Tommy to him."

"No, it could work. They're about the same age. Tommy will be gentle with him, won't you?" He smiled at the blonde, who nodded at his dad.

"If you say so..."

The brunette placed the boy on the floor, once his legs touched the ground, he ran over to the pod.

"I'm Tommy!" He yelled, sticking his hand out to the younger. He tilted his head, not knowing what the other was implying.

"You supposed to shake my hand."

"Shake hand?"

"Here," He grabbed the other's arm and pulled it out straight, he opened his fist and they connected their hands, shaking. "Like that!"

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