Chapter 12 - Letters

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Mentions of Abuse

(Mentioned?) Panic Attack


The L'manbergians plus Eret, Technoblade, and Philza now sat around the dining table laughing and joking with one another, a pleasant time really. Tommy was enjoying their company immensely which was noticed- Wilbur was glad that the person he viewed as his little brother got along with the rest of his family so well.

"Techno eating is not a competition especially against a 16 year old!" Niki said between breaths of laughter. Wilbur had his head in his hands sitting next to her.

"What's my age got anything to do with it bitch?" Tommy said glaring at her as he attempted to swallow before taking another mouthful.

"It became a competition the moment he looked me in the eyes and took a bite at the same time." Techno deadpanned, tone completely lacking any sort of amusement. Fundy smacked his head down on the table at Techno's comment, Jack sitting next to him snickering.

"Boys, just enjoy lunch. Me, Wilbur, and Niki spent awhile on it," Phil chuckled gazing fondly at his tw- his son and Tommy, "So Tommy moving on from whatever the fuck that was, have you ever seen the Antarctic Empire?" the eldest tilted his head questioningly.

Tommy finally put down his fork after seeing Techno do so beforehand a small smirk plastered across his face that quickly switched to a slightly faraway look "I don't think I have? I may have when I was younger for a festival or something but consciously- no never," 

"You should visit!" Wilbur said smiling at the youngest "Its cold but overall very welcoming,"

"I agree," Techno said nodding and leaning back in his chair "Judging by how much I know of you so far, you would enjoy it,". 

The others around the table were silent for a moment gazing at Tommy before a quiet clearing of the throat was heard from the back sliding door that led out to the lake.

"He would of course need permission from his guardian," Said the masked man from the doorway his posture seemingly tense "Which, at the moment, is me- considering he did transfer here from an orphanage." 

Dream seemed slightly pissed though Tommy couldn't think of any reason why. Why would the bastard that shot him care if he was off visiting someone.

"Dream." Techno said curtly standing up from his chair hand hovering over his sword holster.

"Techno," The masked man replied "Good to see you again," If the others could see his face it was no doubt he would be wearing a demeaning smirk "Why're you so jumpy? You won the duel." Techno growled at this statement before hesitantly sitting back down.

"If you're Tommy's legal guardian does that mean you're obligated to take care of him because he is part of your server?" Phil questioned gazing calmly at Dream "And if someone were to contact the orphanage about adopting him the papers would still work as he never technically was adopted." 

Tommy's gaze flicked between Dream and Philza a worried expression obvious.

"Anyways," Dream seemed to wipe away the previous conversation with a flick of his hand, Philza's question still hung heavy in the air though "Tommy, got a letter for you. And before you ask who the fuck is using letters nowadays apparently they aren't allowed a communicator." The man in the green hoodie extended the letter to Tommy to which the younger hesitantly took, "I'll be off then, no reason to stick around. Tommy, I read the letter. Come to me when you have your answer," the masked man left the table puzzled as he left through the back door once more.

Everyone's gaze shifted to Tommy which the blonde seemed to shrink under before getting up and heading to his room with an awkwardly mumbled 'I'll go read this'. Everyone else seemed to shrug off the encounter continuing with lunch though it was noticeably now lacking the energy that Tommy always seemed to carry with him.

Despite Niki and Eret's best attempts to start up conversation everyone seemed to ignore them or give them short and terse answers cutting the conversation off as abruptly as it started.


When Wilbur went to check on Tommy after lunch the thing he least expected to hear were tear chocked muffled sobs as he opened the door. Protectiveness engulfing his senses he opened the door wider before slipping in and closing it behind him.

Slowly approaching Tommy where the blonde sat against the wall a hand over his mouth knees pressed to his chest as he tried to keep his sobs from traveling through the walls. The letter lay opened and discarded in the middle of the room. It was obvious that the letter had upset him somehow.

Wilbur held himself back from reaching out to read the letter instead approaching Tommy slowly and placing a hand on the panicked boys back. The boy seemed to flinch looking up at him the terror evident in his eyes.

"Shhh its me, Wilbur," the elder whispered to Tommy slowly sitting down next to him pulling the scared boy into a side hug "Wanna tell me what the letter said?" he questioned eyes soft as he gazed at the blonde who now had his face buried into the brunettes shirt.

"N-no..." came the hushed voice of Tommy muffled now by his own shirt. Tommy was gripping his shirt so tightly that his knuckles were turning white. Wilbur gently uncurled the younger's fist saddened that he wouldn't tell him but respecting it anyways.

"Alright, can you give a non-detailed version of what happened?" Wilbur asked holding his broth- Tommy. Close.

"Read the letter..." muttered Tommy  "Had a panic a-attack," he seemed to calm down slightly after telling Wilbur what happened to which the elder smiled sadly "I-I wanna say yes but I'm scared they'll hurt me again!" whimpered Tommy, seemingly a different person to the boisterous and charismatic child he usually teased.

"I... don't know how to understand you because I haven't read the letter, but you don't have to make a decision right now. Go to sleep, I'll be here when you wake up," Wilbur gently coaxed his vice-president. The blonde nodded closing his eyes, his body seeming to relax in Wilbur's hold. Wow. He passed out. Just like that. It wasn't even dinner yet.

Wilbur sat there with the boy for what seemed like hours before his eyes finally drooped as well.


When Jack came to get them for dinner he smiled at the sight of them gently hugging in their sleep still propped against the wall. They would probably be sore as hell in the morning but he left them be telling the others they had fallen asleep.

(Fun Fact: Longest chapter yet, my chapters average around 800 words this one has 1141)

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