Mall+surprise adoption

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Tomura Shigaraki.
He was holding Midoryia in a way that if he moved all 5 of Shigaraki's fingers would hit him. Even
Though he can't die it'd still be painful.

"Give me one good reason I shouldn't kill you right now" Shigaraki hissed.
"I can't die".
"That's not good enough of a reason".

"Calm down shig. We're in public, if anyone notices this interaction my cover will be blown"
"Your cover? I thought you joined the heros side?".
"That's what everyone thinks."

Midoryia formed himself into a random stranger of the mall so no one could notice him.

"Anyways what do you want?" Midoryia asked.
"Well I'm telling you to come back to the league"
"I might, I'm still a villain. I'm just plotting out my revenge so I get something perfect. Did you get any new members?"

"Cool what's their names?"
"I couldn't bother to remember"
"Alright, could you move your hand?".
Shigaraki let go of Midoryia.
Midoryia stayed shapeshifted as a random stranger.

"You can't pull things like this in public, once I'm found out all my hard work will go to waste" Midoryia hissed.
"It's not my fault you didn't even attempt to contact us after you left. I assumed you betrayed us"
"Yeah yeah. I got to go, you might wanna leave before someone catches you".

Shigaraki took the hint and began to walk away. Midoryia decided to teleport to a random spot, change back to his normal self, and teleport back through the bathroom of the mall.
He was worried about the cameras catching him.

"Well. I need to buy some things I guess." Midoryia thought to himself as he exited out of the bathroom.
He then started to go from mall to mall getting things he would think he needed.

In total he bought.
New shoes
A small pocket knife
A suit case.

He had to buy a suit case because he didn't have one of his own.

After that he meant with Aizawa. He was the only one there, he didn't mind that too much. He sat there, using his phone for a while until the rest of the class started to flood in.

"I assume you all got everything you need?" Aizawa said as he began to count all of the class. The class all nodded her heads yes.

"Then we can return back to UA and you can dismiss from there" Aizawa said. He had taken the class towards the last period of the day so that they could just go home right after.

They went to a bus that was waiting for their return and drove all the way back to UA.
"Okay class. Don't leave the packing to the last second. Be prepared you can't be late Monday morning or you'll miss the bus.
Bring everything you Know you'll need for a week." Aizawa said as he waved them all off.

"Okay sir" "don't worry sensei" "I can't wait".
Comments from the class could be heard all around.
Midoryia grabbed his bags and walked to the doorway of the classroom.
"Mr. Aizawa I'll be in my room" Midoryia said.

"See you then".

Midoryia then teleported out with all of his stuff and into his room.
He got everything all situated as he wanted.

"I need to bring my food supply but it'll spoil if I don't have a fridge. So I'll pack that the last minute. I doubt I can bring the entire mini fridge with me.
Now this knife will be hidden in my hero outfit, the bottom of my shoe has a secret compartment I can put it in. That's good.
Hmm now I need to fit all my clothes into this suitcase" Midoryia thought to himself as he opened his closet door.

He grabbed outfits he liked and outfits he wouldn't mind losing by any chance. He then grabbed his hero outfit and stuffed it into his suit case as well.

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