Chapter 30

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5 JANUARY, 2021, 5:13 PM

R: I reckon you remember everything that happened on the day your friend, Mr. Stein, died?

JM: Yes.

R: What was your relationship with him?

JM: We were friends.

R: Did Ms. Y/N tell you all to accompany her to Clyde's cabin?

JM: Not exactly. We were all pretty delirious about finding Cole's sister. Y/N and Taehyung were the big brains so that's basically why we listened to them.

R: Be honest here, Mr. Park. Did they force you?

JM: No, of course not.

R: Okay. What about Clyde?

JM: I wasn't very close to him, just an acquaintance I believe. He was with me and Taehyung in the photography club. He was a silent kid.

R: Okay, so according to Mr. Kim, you all found some polaroids which had peculiar symbols and those symbols matched Clyde's tattoo. Is that true?

JM: Yes.

R: Who found these polaroids?

[ Pause]

JM: Taehyung and Y/N.

R: Hmm. Did you really think it was Clyde?

JM: To be honest, I didn't at first. Y/N explained that it was Clyde because he keeps on acting odd. I didn't like the sound of it because you can't judge a person about their demeanour and accuse them of being an abductor but when she showed us evidences, I was pretty sure that it was Clyde.

[ Interview terminated at 5:24 PM]

5 JANUARY, 2021, 5:30 PM

R: Ms. Janiz, how was 1st of November for you?

RJ: How is that even a question, huh? Of course, it was heartbreaking for all of us.

R: I'd like you to pay respect to officers, Ms. Janiz.

[ The interviewee remains silent.]

R: Now, can you describe how Mr. Stein died?

RJ: Um. Clyde killed him.

R: We're aware of that. But, how?

RJ: I-I wasn't present at the moment. Nature's call, you know. When I came out, I saw his corpse lying on the floor.

R: Very well. Any weapons you saw at the murder site?

RJ: Nope. As I said before, I wasn't present at the time of the kill.

R: Okay. Did Clyde try to attack you all too?

RJ: Yes, he did. On the day of Halloween, when we first arrived at the cabin, he tied us to chairs. He also drugged Jimin.

R: Really? Because Mr. Park forgot to mention that.

RJ: Um duh. He was drugged and I don't know what kind of drug was that because it made him act a bit crazy. I don't think he would've really remembered it that vividly to tell a tale of it.

[ Interview terminated at 5:40 PM]

5 JANUARY, 2021, 5:45 PM

R: How are you today Mr. Jeon?

JK: Fine.

R: Can you tell me how your friend Cole died?

JK: By Clyde? I thought you knew that.

R: Yes, I surely do. But can you tell me the way he died?

JK: He was angry by the continuous accusations we all were giving, it was mostly Cole. That's why he just got a bit out control and choked him.

R: No wonder why there were signs of choking in the autopsy report. Also, what kind of accusations?

JK: Like abducting Serena, stalking her, killing her and basically traumatising her.

R: Can you tell me more about how Taehyung and Y/N found all the evidences to use them against Clyde?

JK: Isn't it better to ask them directly?

R: I hope you know that you are only allowed to answer what is asked and no questions or any other thing out of the topic.

[ Pause]

JK: When first Taehyung came to this school, he became a really good friend of ours because of his bubbly nature. When he got to know why Clyde is treated differently in our school he suggested that he can help us because his father is a senior officer. He chose Y/N to accompany him so they went to Taehyung's house and searched the files. When they were searching Serena's files they saw those polaroids. Then at a dance party Cole showed us Serena's journal. She had written that she was being stalked and all of that. After a few days, Taehyung found another polaroid picture in which we could see a man's silhouette holding a camera. Y/N thought that a person who loves photography and is exceptionally good at it must belong in that club. Jimin told us that Clyde was the one who was at the top of the class. So, Y/N who got suspicious over him decided to follow-. I mean then-

R: Follow? What do you mean follow? Did she try to stalk Clyde? You know that's a criminal offence, right Mr. Jeon?

JK: Not follow! It wasn't supposed to come out that way! I don't mean it!

[Interview terminated at 6:03 PM]


It was Clyde's idea to make it look like he choked Cole. When Cole died because of that dybbuk, they already knew that the police will not believe them when they say it was a dybbuk who murdered Cole. So, Clyde who was already gonna surrender decided to choke the dead Cole. His hand prints and red marks over Cole's neck made it look like he was choked to death.


It was finally my turn to be questioned as I nervously fiddled with my fingers. Jungkook came out, he looked like he was in a hurry. I furrowed my eyes in confusion when he came up to me and put his hands on my shoulders. "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." He mumbled as he pulled away and exited the waiting room. My mind couldn't quite understand what he meant by that but it felt like something bad was about to happen. I got a huge lump in my throat when I saw Agent Rei opening the door of the questioning room wide open, waiting for me to enter.

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