Chapter 28

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Blaze: Are they really leaving this to the infected? Rhodes Island's got a raw deal this time.

On top of a roof of a building stood Blaze, surveying the street below for any disturbances.

Spade: Well, I'm grateful that we don't have to pay for property damage.

Spade stood beside Blaze, acting as her supervisor as per Amiya and the Doctor's orders. The team Spade led was transferred to Dr. Linda so she could give the orders instead.

Spade yawns as he was bored a bit.

Spade: Spot anything?

Blaze: Mmm... There! Below us, two o'clock!

Spade followed where Blaze pointed to see what's going on.

Spade: Let's go then. Ladies first.

Blaze immediately jumped off the roof and activated her arts at the same time. Her arts softened her fall, giving the illusion of her flying to the ground.

Spade, on the other hand, decides to parkour his way down before landing in front of an L.G.D Guard.

L.G.D Guard: Identify yourselves!

Blaze: Kouhai, you take care of them, all right?

Spade: Why do I have to do negotiations?

Spade sighed before turning to the L.G.D as he pulls out Ace Of Spades. 

Spade: We're from Rhodes Island. The name's Spade, and you might know me from the stories from your co-workers. Now, I would like you to leave this job to us. Whoever doesn't comply will have to go through me.

Spinning Ace Of Spades, Spade aims and cocks the hammer back.

Spade: Yours... not mine.

None of the L.G.D move, Spade simply smirks and turns back to see Blaze stepping on someone's head.

Spade: OI! You done yet?

Blaze: Be patient, kouhai! It's all about sending a message!

Spade: Well my message for you to hurry the hell up!

Dr. Linda: Spade!

Spade turns to see Dr. Linda.

Spade: Doc? Looks like you made it.

Dr. Linda had turned up with Amiya walking beside her. Behind them was a squad of operators. 

Blaze: Dokutah! Over here!

Blaze smiled and waved back at Dr. Linda, ignoring the pain grunts of the enemy. Dr. Linda smiled back and gave her a thumbs up.

Dr. Linda: Both of you were amazing!

Spade: Eh, it was nothing, Doc. Just a usually day for me.

Blaze: Oh. That was nothing. Wanna see me bend his arm 90 degrees without breaking it?

Blaze gestured to the soldier below her, she grabbed his arm and lightly tugged it around.

Amiya: Blaze, let's not steer the Doctor astray...

Blaze: Bunny!

Spade: Oh, hello there donkey.

Blaze ran up to Amiya and picked her up before hugging her tightly.

Amiya: Blaze! Don't just scoop me up like a toy! Spade! Stop calling me Donkey!

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