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"These are way better than what I used to get in tests before all the tutoring!" Eli screeched in my ear when he came up from behind me, successfully spooking me.

"Eli!" I groaned. "You almost made me go deaf."

"Hey! Did you get the results?!" Frida's high pitched voice reached us before her. She had on a huge grin.

"Hell, yes. I did very good!" Eli replied and launched at her.

"So did I!" Frida said, hugging back Eli with equal fervour. "Thank God, I was so nervous especially when I felt like two of my exams didn't go too well."

"Hey, thank me. God had nothing to do with it," I said.

"Yes, of course! Thank you for all the tutoring that did us a world of good." Eli said, giving me a bow.

We had been given our midterm results. My exams had gone very well. And the cherry on the cake was that I topped in Chemistry while Boonsri came a pathetic third. Colin was second surprisingly considering he was supposed to be my tutor although I attributed to me having studied this all before.

There was more of a buzz in the cafeteria owing to students excitedly chattering about their grades and the upcoming party at Abeo's.

Our table which seemed to have now acquired new unwanted people like the trio of girls I didn't want anything to do with, was also noisy. Frida rushed to Aurelio's side, eager to know how he did in his exams. They sat closely than ever before.

The two had gotten a lot chummy over the weeks, bonding over cooking like I had arranged for them. Frida told us everything and that she had met his parents and they had cooked and it turned out pretty good. This had resulted in Frida finally plucking up the courage to ask him out directly and they had went to his favourite restaurant for dinner. Colin told me Aurelio couldn't shut up about their date all night on the phone with him and after some time he had just put his phone away with him still on the other line because he wasn't even giving Colin time to respond. Frida had been ecstatic to hear that.

My attention was caught by the a new almost-couple at our table and this one just annoyed me. Boonsri chatted with Colin, her hand on his arm and she even had her fingers in his hair at one point, complimenting him over the smoothness of his hair.

She was lying. It wasn't as smooth as she said because it didn't feel like that to me when I had grabbed his hair one time when I was teaching him self defense.

Colin blushed pathetically like a little school student with a massive crush. Boonsri hadn't paid any mind to the embarrassing difference in our marks in Chemistry and I wasn't going to start something that would only prove to be a headache to me later on, only for a few minutes of satisfaction to see her defeated face.

A chair scratched against the tiles next to me as Abeo lowered himself into it with a sigh. He ran his hand through his hair, a solemn look on his face, enough to tell me he didn't do well in his exams.

"I did terribly, Julia." He whispered, not wanting anyone else to overhear. "One of the teachers told me my father paid them to increase my marks with the promise that I'll do better in the finals. If I don't, I'll be kicked off the soccer team."

"Well you only have yourself to blame," I shrugged. "It wasn't like you tried hard enough and it still didn't work. Actually you didn't try at all."

His face fell even further. "Thank you. So comforting and supportive," he said tersely.

"Hey, it's the truth. If it helps, I'm pretty sure daddy dearest will pay twice or more if you still don't do well in the finals. So why're you stressing out? Your future is secure, even if you don't deserve it," I said, stealing a fry from his lunch.

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