"Chapter 21"

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Before me stood my biggest enemy and after the dream I really don't know what is real anymore..

'Are you even real or is this just a stupid dream again? Correction Nightmare.' I asked with a demanding tone.

'How sweet that you've been having dreams about me.' He said with a cocky tone.

'What do you want Amon. I don't have time to fight you now.' I made my hand in a fist and tried to stay calm while I totally tried to ignore what he said.

'You don't have time to fight me but you do have time to train?' I stood right up and my eyes widened.

'So you're a stalker now.' I said with a snarl and stood ready to fight him even if I knew that I didn't have the energy for this right now.

'I call it spying, but you can call it whatever you want.' He folded his arms together.

'Didn't you tell me that you didn't want to fight? Or do you want to that badly.' He said with a cocky tone.

I relaxed a bit and stood straight up again and looked at his eyes trying to search for an answer. I sighed and walked up to Meeko who was growling to Amon.

'Shh.. It's okay I can protect myself.' I whispered and gave a small kiss on Meeko's forehead. He returned it with a lick on my face and I giggled.

'You know that I'm still here right. You don't have to get all desperate with your beast.' Meeko started to growl again and wanted to run towards him but I stopped Meeko.

'His not worth it Meeko.' I turned around to face Amon and grinned.

'Jealousy doesn't suit you.'

'What would I be jealous about? I don't find you attractive at all.' He said with a snarl.

'Well actually first of all you defend yourself way too much and second of all who said I talked about me. I mean't that your jealous you don't have anyone that cares about you.' I said with one eyebrow up and placed my hands onto my sides.

I saw that he was getting irritated and wanted to attack me but I chuckled when I thought about how Amon could have feelings for me.

'What are you chuckling about?' He asked with a demanding tone.

'Well I thought about something but that couldn't be true at all.' I said with a sheepish grin that seemed to piss him of and he ran towards me.

My eyes widened and I quickly slided to the other side making me dodge his attack. He turned around and it looked like he forgot that Meeko was still behind him and before I knew it Meeko slapped him with his paws making him tumble against the wall.

'Good job Meeko.' I said with a wide smile. A groan of pain was heard from Amon.

I turned my gaze back to him and saw that he was already up again. By the looks of it he seemed more angry than ever. That's when I felt a sudden pain floating threw my body and knew exactly what it was.. he was bloodbending me.

I was laying on the ground having no control over my own body when suddenly a flashback hit me...

I stood in an open field. It was my last training before I became a powerfull bloodbender. Katara didn't wanted me to train me at first but I insisted.. I told her that I felt that I needed to learn it for if I ever get in danger.

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