"Chapter 26"

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Here's another chapter for today because the other one was a little bit short!

Enjoy! ^-^


Here I was surrounded by 5 equalists and Amon still in the wall but I knew that it wouldn't take that long before he was freed by his minions..

When I looked back at Amon I saw an amused glimpse in his eyes and scolded. If I was gonna fight all 5 of them it was a big chance that I will get caught because of my lack of energy..

But I couldn't just leave that bastard with no pain. An air blast went right his way and pushes his head against the wall making him unconsious but also free from the wall by the blast.

The equalists immediatly jumped down and 3 of them surrounded me while the other two brought Amon to safety. I snarled from frustration but decided to just focus on the remaining minions.

Well this changes a lot.. A devilish grin appeared on my face and without hesitation I slammed one of the equalist against the wall with air and blocked him in the wall with earthbending.

It felt like my legs were gonna give up so I had to act quickly and so I did. I reached out my hands to both ways and used my bloodbending to take control over them making them slam against eachother in the air.

My energy was probably at 5% right now so I slowly walked away not trying to waste more. I was almost at the deck by the ocean until I was feeling a bit weird. A sudden feeling that I hated to feel. Because I had almost no energy left I couldn't resist it... and gave in.

I was turned around and was met by Amon's mask. He slowly walked up to me and I saw that he was enjoying this. My eyes subsided to their normal colour which means that I could only bend water.. and no other elements anymore.

'C-Coward.' I said with a weak voice.

'What was that? I didn't quite hear you?' He said with a chuckling tone. His hand reached out for my chin and my eyes were met by his.

'I almost feel bad to take your bending away but you're to dangerous to leave with your bending.' He said in a stern tone and walked around me.

I closed my eyes knowing that there was nothing that I could do and gave in. He placed me on the ground and I felt that he was almost by my forehead to take my bending. Some minutes went by and there hasn't happend anything.

But my confusement was being interupted when I heard someone bending water slamming the other against the stone wall. I slowly opened my eyes and heard footsteps coming my way. My vision was a little bit blurry.

'K-korra?' I almost whispered.

Strong arms picked me up bridal style and I looked up to see Tahno with a worried look in his eyes.

'I'm here Ayira.. you're safe.' He said in a sweet tone. My vision went black and before I knew it I had fallen unconsious.


I began to slowly get my consious back and heard some voices by me.

'What happend?! Is she okay?' Korra said with a worried tone.

'She's fine now.' I heard the voice from Tahno say towards Korra.

'What are you doing here?' Korra said in a stern tone.

'Calm down Korra he's the one who saved her.' Tenzin said in a calming tone.

I felt a hand wrap around mine and slowly opened my eyes to be met by Korra's eyes glowing with worry and regret.

'Ayira you're awake!' Korra almost screamed.

'Can you calm down she needs some peace not some screams.' Tahno said in a serious tone. Korra turned her gaze towards Tahno and let out a snarl.

'How are you feeling?' Tenzin said while sitting down beside me on the bed.

'I-I feel like I was hit by a damn train.' I said with a weak voice and grabbed for my head that was being tortured by a painfull headache.

'Do you know what happend? Why did he attack you? Was he all alone? Did he hurt you?' Korra said in a fast way wanting all the answers.

'Come on Korra she needs some rest.' Said Tenzin and walked out with Korra following him.

I heard some footsteps coming my way and saw that Tahno sat down on my bed. I gave him a weak smile and he gave me a sweet smile in return.

'So you saved me.'

'Yeah what kind of man would I be to leave you in his arms..' He said in a uneasy tone.

'Thank you Tahno.' I said while holding his hand for a bit.

'Eh- It's the least I could do after all that I've done.' He said while looking down with regret.

'It's okay Tahno.. you learnt from it and that's what matters.' I said with a reassuring smile. He nodded and stood up.

'You should get some rest. I'll see you when you're up on your own legs again.'

'Alright. Cya Tahno.' I said with an appreciated tone. He nodded and left me alone.

I fell back asleep with only one thought on my mind.

Can this day get any weirder?

I was in a dark alley and there was no light to be found so I made a little flame in my hand. Only to see that I was surrounded by 10 or more equalists.

I tried to airbend but there came nothing and the same happend when I tried to earthbend. When I looked back at my hand I saw that the light was subsiding.

My eyes widened and I looked at some equalists freezing them from the inside. 3 equalists start to run up at me and I tried to send some fire their way but there came nothing. They suddenly stopped and I was hit from behind. I fell to the ground and heard the footsteps of someone coming my way.

I looked a bit up to see who it was and was met by Amon's mask. Two equalist were holding my arms making sure that I couldn't escape. He leaned closer towards me. His lips were only being just a few inches from mine.

'You can't run Ayira. You belong with us now..' Amon said before his lips connected with mine.

I shot right up in bed. Thank god.. it was only a nightmare. I layed back in bed and took a deep breath. It felt so real.. one hand reached up to my lips. Why would I have such a dream like this.

This is just pure torture.. was the fight not enough? I do have regret from not ending his life right there or maybe I could try to take his bending...

But how does he do it? I have to find out. Which only means that I need to let him try to take my bending.. to feel what hes doing.

If I can't escape from his grip when he tries to take my bending.. it would lead to me losing my own.


So here is another one! It's also short but if you put them together then its almost 2700 words for today! I hope you all liked this chapter!

Cya in the next one :)

▪︎ This chapter has 1311 words.

A Bender With a Gift |BOOK 1| LOK x Reader..Where stories live. Discover now