"Chapter 29"

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So eh it has been a while and I'm sorry about that, but I had a test week and I'm finally done with it now so I got some more time.

I am losing interest in writing this story because I got way better ideas but I will just finish this book no matter what it will just take more time.

If you like teenwolf be sure to always check my story list because I'm starting one!

Also thank you all for 13k reads! I can't believe that so many people like this story when I first started it as just a book for myself to read it again some years later. I'm gonna make this short and not long so I love you all so much and I couldn't have done this without you all!

Have fun reading! :)

It didn't take long before we arrived at the Arena. Meeko stopped infront of it and I jumped of his back. I gave him a little pat.

"Cya later Meeko and Pabu maybe it's best if you stay with him." I suggested.

Pabu made his usual noises and it looked like he nodded in agreement. A small smile appeared on my face and there I went.. into the arena.

I turned to the left and saw some boys standing where I needed to walk threw.

Oh god here goes nothing..

It was not that bad but when I passed by them I felt someone touching me and grabbing my arm. I quickly turned around while my leg and feet were stretched for him to fall. A loud thud was heard and a groan followed.

"Oh how stupid of me here." I reached out my hand for him to take and when he had taken my hand I helped him a bit up but let him fall again by letting his hand go.

"Don't touch me again twat." And with that I turned around and walked towards the room where I was supposed to meet Korra.

Some laughs were heard behind me and a small devilish grin appeared on my face.

It took some minutes before I found the room and walked in. Only to see that the match had already began.

I saw that they had to go up against the buzzard-wasps but my eyes widened when I saw how my three friends were fighting. What the hell is going on with them?

"All three ferrets take an early visit to zone two."

Mako got knocked back to zone three while Korra looked back at Mako.

"And Mako's knocked all the way back into zone three!"

"The fire ferrets have been struggling.."

Without thinking Korra ran up with a water attack while Bolin was dodging some fire coming his way.

"... to stay alive since the opening bell. All three players are totally out of sync tonight."

Bolin sends some stone disks towards them but got hit by one from the other team against his arm.

''Ooh, that has got to sting!"

While Korra and Mako were fighting against them I saw Bolin putting his helmet off and puking out of the ring.

"And Bolin loses his noodles literally. Which reminds me this match is brought to you by our sponsor, flamey-o instant noodles. Noodley-est noodles in the united republic."

God this fight is not going well.. it's like they are fighting like its a 3vs1vs1vs1. I sighed and heard the door open. I turned around to be met my Asami.

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