Part 4 - An unexpected visitor.

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The chapters will get longer soon. ;) Enjoy.


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        Part 4 - Delinquent's POV.

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        We left the lockers. The lockers are connected to the facility we were in at the start. So basically, we went out of the exit. "Garbage Handler, why do we get teleported to the lockers if the lockers are already connected from here?" Garbage Handler laughed, "Oh bud, you get teleported if you aren't in the lockers when the time runs out. Well, if you have a match and you're signed up. God! I have so many funny stories, this one time my cousin Trash Worker-" Someone tapped my shoulder. They must have tapped Garbage Handler too cause he stopped talking for once. We both turned around to see- WAIT! It's The boi! I shrieked and went behind Garbage Handler. He turned and looked at me. "Dude. Don't hide, face your fears!" Garbage Handler said OUT LOUD for that cat dude to hear. He got out of the way so the disturbing face guy can see me. He waved to me and got closer. "Hello, I'm 'The boi'!". I waved back, a little terrified, "Hello.. I'm Delinquent". The boy smiled brightly, "I see that you're a little intimidated by my face, yes? You shouldn't be. That's a bit racist!". I studied his voice for a second. "Whoa, Uhm, nice accent! I don't know what kind it is though." I awkwardly rubbed my arm. "Russian." He simply answered. "Oh!". I looked back at Garbage Handler, then I looked at the boy. "So..." He cut me off, "You want to know what I want, yes? I want to be your friend! You look confused on the battlefield, so I want to help newcomers, yes." He touched my shoulder, "I only wanted to help out in the battlefield sorry if I was acting, eh.." He looked up in the air, "How do they say, they call me this word, how do I say.." Garbage Handler smirked, "Creepy?". The boy looked at him, "No no, not that, it is a big word." I looked at his arm still on my shoulder. I start to shiver. "How about.., disturbing?". The boy shook his head, "Nevermind." He looks at me. "I heard you guys were going to get a soda, may me, I mean, I, accompany you?". I looked back at Garbage Handler. "Eh, sure, why not. We never hang out without.. Him.., so sure, I'd like to do that" Garbage Handler rolled his eyes. "4 pm! At Brickbattle's place, yeah?". Garbage Handler nodded his head. The boy gave him a thumbs up. "Bye Garbage Hander!". He looked at me and smiled a little, "Bye Delinquent.". And so, he walked to a table with a group of people sitting down at it. I sighed.

      "So you know him?". Garbage Handler took my hand, "Yeah, he's an old friend." I looked down at my hand, "So who's this Brickbattle he mentioned?". Garbage Handler continued walking, we reached the door I made my horrible entrance in. He opened it and signaled me to go first. I went out and he soon followed. "Brickbattle, huh?" He smirked. "A small kid that likes big things. He's sweet and kind, a bit of a tryhard on the battlefield... Still sucks. Everyone knows he's crushing on this certain puppet girl. Oops, should have never said that." Garbage handler started laughing. "He owns his store, he sells soda, coffee, and pastries. A lot of people like going to his place. The drinks aren't half bad. Hate to stare at his face on my soda can though, other than that, he's a solid dude, can't wait for you to meet him!".

You know, I met Garbage handler 15 minutes ago and I already discovered so many things about him and his friends. I feel a little overwhelmed but maybe he has good intentions. I took a deep breath. I feel a little lost. See my intention here at Arsenal is to become the best player ever, but that will never happen. My performance today was horrible, not to mention I embarrassed myself in front of almost everyone. I looked down at my shoes and sighed. Garbage Handler saw my gloomy face. He stopped in place. "Hey man," He took his arm off me and made me turn to face him. "I know you're thinking about how horrible you are." He put his hand on his hips, "You know, I was once like you. Scared, fragile, attractive. Still am." I looked up at him and cringed. He saw my reaction to his statement and laughed nervously, "What I mean is, don't be so negative to yourself because it's ONE game. Listen, you have many more to come." Garbage Handler took out his phone. "Hey, there's a match at 6 pm, sign up for that" He smirked at his phone. "Looks like The boi signed up for that match too" I rolled my eyes, "I'm NOT getting in the same game as he is. Never again."

     Garbage  Handler started walking so I followed him. "Where are we going...?" Garbage Handler took my arm and started running. "Ow! Where are you taking me?!?" I started running to try to keep up with him. Garbage Handler pointed to a train that seemed like it was getting ready to go. "We're getting on the train to go to BrickBattle's coffee shop." Through his tone of voice, it felt like he was smirking. "COME ON DELINQUENT! YOU RUN LIKE A GIRL!" He looked back at me and yelled. "I'm- I'm sorry!!" We started to get closer to the train. The doors started to close. Garbage Handler cursed under his breath. "I'm going to throw you on the train" Garbage Handler said in a serious voice. Wait. What did he say?! "You're joking, right?!". He didn't respond and kept running to the train. I looked at his hand. I tried to remove his fingers from my arm but they were not budging off. He stopped in place and turned to me. He placed one of his arms around my back and bent down to place his other arm on the bent of my knees. "Let go!" I begged him. He started running with me in his arms. "In 3, I'll throw you on the train." I looked up at him and shook my head. "One", started to count down. "NO!" I yelled out. "Two" He ignored my pleading. "Please don't! I can die!" He stopped and swung my body. "THREE!" He let go of me. He threw me in the air and I landed on the top of the train. The train made a big thud sound. God that hurts. "YES!" I heard Garbage Handler say and an enthusiastic voice. I got up and sat on the top of the train. The train stopped and I looked at Garbage Handler coming to the train. I saw the train door open. I jumped down and fell on the floor. Garbage Handler saw me and picked me up in bridal style. "You okay bud?" I rolled my eyes, "Just let me go, and let's get on this train. The bus driver opened the doors and walked out, "What in the holy Jesus of fuck was that?" He looked at both of us. Garbage Handler removed his arms from me causing me to fall on the ground. "DUDE!" I looked up at Garbage handler. He took out his wallet, "To Boulevard, good sir!" He searched through his wallet, "Let me find my train card-" I got up and dusted off my pants and shirt. I gave Garbage Handler a stare, "Do you need money?". Garbage handler shook his head, "Nono, I got my train card, it's in my wallet FOR sure." I sighed and looked at the bus driver. "Just get in the train kid." He looked at Garbage Handler with a disappointed face. He turned to me, "You too, get your ass in here." The bus driver walked back in the train. Garbage handler looked at me and winked, "Sure got him good bud!" I sighed once again, 'I'm with a fucking idiot'. I said to myself. Garbage Handler and I walked inside the bus. 


Writing is hard! But I hope you enjoyed this!! Flashback #2 & Part 5 are guaranteed to be uploaded together tomorrow. 

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                     1353 Words.

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