The Wrath of Weasley

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"Touchdown!" said Fred softly as, with a slight bump, they hit theground. They had landed next to their tumbledown garage in their smallyard

"It's not much," said Ron to Harry. 

"It's wonderful," said Harry happily and they got out of the car. 

"Now, we'll go upstairs really quietly," said Fred, "and wait forMum to call us for breakfast. Then, Ron, you come boundingdownstairs going, 'Mum, look who turned up in the night!' andshe'll be all pleased to see Harry and no one need ever know weflew the car." 

"Yeah I'm sure that's going to work" Artemis said and rolled her eyes and then bean to walk towards the house, leaving the boys standing there, because quite frankly, she didn't even want to look at them right now, she was embarrassed and she was hurt. The twins hardly even knew Draco Malfy yet they had always expected him to be evil and turn out to be just like his father so she couldn't imagine what the twins thought of her, her father was a mass murderer and a traitor, so if every child was like their parents, then what did that make her?

Artemis had almost made it to the door when it was pushed open roughly and Mrs Weasley stormed out of the house, she stopped when she noticed Artemis, her eyes puffy and red

"Oh sweetheart!" Molly whispered softly and pulled the girl into a hug "what did those idiots do now"

"Nothing Mrs Weasley, are, would you mind if i went up to Ginnys room, i am awefully tired" she whispered out and Molly didn't know what to say at first but she pulled away from the hug and nodded her head

"Of course deary, you run along now and head on up, I'll call you down when breakfast is ready" Molly said and gave the small girl a kind smile

"Thank you" Artemis choked out and then quickly made her way up to Ginny's room, trying her best not to cry, she didn't want to risk waking anyone else up in the house. SHe quietly pushed open the door to Ginny's room, the red-haired girl was passed out on her bed, snoring softly. Artemis quietly began to pack her stuff up, she didn't want to be here anymore.

And that was the first day in a very very long time that she had been embarrassed, she was Artemis Black, daughter of Sirius Black, the man that had betrayed so many people, including the very people who owned the house she was standing in right now. How could she have been so stupid to think that the Weasleys could actually like her, they pitied her and they were disgusted by her but they were too kind to admit it.

Artemis quickly shoved her things in the bag and looked around, making sure that she hadn't missed anything then she quickly began zipping up her bag and then her eyes landed on the ring that was wrapped around her finger. It was the ring that Fred had gotten her from Christmas, she let out a soft sigh and then laid down on her bed and closed her eyes, hoping to get at least a little bit of sleep but then Ginny woke up

"Hey Artemis," Ginny said with a smile and Artemis looked over at her and gave her a small smile back but Ginnys smile disappeared

"Whats wrong? You look like you have been crying" Ginny suddenly asks in concerns and climbs off her bed and gos over to Ophelias matress on the floor

"Oh no, I'm just tired" Artemis lied and ginny didn't believe her but decided not to pressure her on the matter

"Oh... alright, well lets go down and get breakfast, I'm starving" Ginny says and then drags Artemis down the stairs and into the kitchen

Ginny immediately noticed Harry Potter sitting down at the table with her brothers and gave a small squeal, and ran out again.

"Artie" Fred said and stood up quickly but she ignored him and went to sit down at the table, knowing that Ginny would be fine, after all, sharing rooms with her, Artemis knew how much Ginny liked Harry

Artemis Black - Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now