Chapter 9

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This chapter is not beta read, so there might be some grammar mistakes. Also, a little late, but Happy New Year!

Their campsite was a small patch of dirt at the very edge of the wood at the top of the field. It was a small space with sign hammered into the ground that read WEEZLY.

Some of the kids looked doubtfully at the space. Al had to admit, even he had his doubts that they could all fit in here. But Mr. Weasley looked at the place with so much potential and optimism that Al decided to trust him.

The Weasley family unpacked their sacks with no hesitation, that is until it came to setting up the tents. Mr. Weasley was clueless to how the thing was supposed to be put together, but he was trying. Al eventually decided it's better that maybe he and his brother should take over. Even the ones here who were used to the non-magic world seemed clueless about camping. 

“We’ll take care of the tents, Mr. Weasley. You can prepare everything else.”

“Oh, thank you Alphonse, Edward. We’ll just take care of the food and all then.” Mr. Weasley said, moving away from the tent yet curious enough about the process to not go far. “We’ll need water...” 

“There’s a tap marked on this map the Muggle gave us,” said Ron, looking at the map “It’s on the other side of the field.” 

“Well, why don’t you, Harry, and Hermione go and get us some water then” Mr. Weasley conjured up some buckets. Al could see Brother shake his head at the magic, but he kept his mouth shut. Al knew brother was just being stubborn now about the magic. “and the rest of us will get some wood for a fire?”

The trio left for water and the brothers quickly finished with the tents. Having lived on an abandoned island for a month, it had made them more than qualified. Not to mention the years they lived on the streets while travelling.

While the boys were getting the tent done, Winry was helping Mr. Weasley build a fire.


“Mr. Weasley, you can’t throw away a lit matchstick! You might catch something on fire!”

“Sorry! Sorry!”

"Alright," Mr. Weasley said after the tents were done, addressing the rest of the group. "You lot can head in and figure out sleeping arrangements. Girls get the small tent, men get this one. Food will be done in a bit.”

"Mr. Weasley, How the hell are we all supposed to fit-" Brother stopped when he saw everyone easily getting into the tents. Noises and voices came from the other side of the canvas. Even Al could not believe what was happening. He slowly flicked away one flap of the tent to see a giant, enormous canvas palace complete with furniture and bunk beds. 

"Does conservation of mass mean anything to you?" Brother shouted from outside as he checked once again the size of the tent from outside. "Where do you put all of this stuff?"

‘Okay, this is a little freaky.’ Al thought, understanding his brother’s frustration.

"We had a friend lend us his enchanted tents for the trip. We couldn't all fit if we didn't get them," Mr. Weasley said. Brother was still studying the canvas, trying to figure out a scientific explanation behind the tents and failing. Al decided he would ponder about it after he had a good meal. 


Hermione, Harry and Ron had set off across the campsite with the buckets for water and were witnessing the wizards’ version of camping. With the sun newly risen and the mist lifting, they could see the city of tents that stretched in every direction. They made their way slowly through the rows, staring eagerly around.

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