Chapter 14-Keefe

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A/N: So, obviously, triggers are different for a lot of people, but I just wanted to warn you that this chapter does mention a bit of overdosing. It doesn't go into it, it's literally just a brief mention, but this is just in case. I don't know if it will affect anyone, but I wanted to put it out there, again, just in case. Hope you enjoy!


When Forkle mentioned a hideout, Keefe immediately thought of Alluverate. When he saw Idylwood, he only saw a castle. But a human castle. Which was totally different from the elf castles.

The castle was set on a beach, which seemed really safe in the event of a storm, flanked with cliffs on one side, the ocean on the other, and high purple shadows on the tall peaks across the waves.

The city itself, and yes, it was a city, was huge and weirdly enough, round. Built of a grey stone material, probably granite, but who knew, with very humanesque houses built into the walls, it felt like they were touching the sky at the top.

The cobblestone path was wide and spiraled up into the main castle courtyard—the courtyard they currently stood in.

Surrounding them were many carved statues, most of which were broken, and endless doors and arches extending inside.

Gnomes tended a garden to their right, one of them already making her way over to them.

The gnome, Sylvaine, led them through a tour of the gardens, explaining the importance of each flower and plant, though Keefe was only half listening.

The reason?

He could feel her emotions again.

The restrictor had been doing it's job, but Keefe had noticed that it only blocked out certain emotions. Luckily, the ones that affected him the most.

Anger, hate, etc.

Added to the fact that he was also trying to ignore the urge to use the Thing, which was luckily working better and better now, he tried not to focus on the emotions, and instead on the scents of the strangely bitter smell of the flowers they were being led through.

He winced.

Sophie glanced at him.

"What?" She asked.

"Do you feel that?"

She squinted at him. "Feel what?"

Keefe shrugged, hopefully casually, and answered, "Well, the fact that I can feel every emotion you're feeling right now, even the ones buried under all the layers of you consciousness is kind of weird, right?"

Sylvaine turned to them. "You are an Empath, I assume. It would be the Umbruna's affecting you."

There was a small gasp from behind them.

They turned to the bodyguards trailing them. Sandor, looking extremely uncomfortable standing between Bo and Ro, who kept shooting each other glares and snarls.

The gasp had come from Flori, who was staring in wide-eyed wonder at the white flowers.

"You have Umbruna's?" She asked.

"Moonshade?" Keefe asked, unconsciously echoing it.

Sylvaine nodded; her eyes grew tired, sage like. "They were named, long, long ago. Why they were named as they are, we do not know. In the daytime, they make your elvish abilities much stronger. But in the shadow of the moon they do nothing. Perhaps it would be different in their native home. But..." she hummed a haunting tune under her breath, and sighed, sadly watching the other gnomes work. "We cannot remember the name."

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