Perfect Little Accident

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NOTE - Now I have jumped to after yudhishtira 's yuvraj abhishek. So don't confuse yourself with time and devika is still with the poor couple


It's like time wore wings and flew away yet every moment is agonisingly slow.

 Every morning no matter how hard I try for peace, every time they stoop so low.

Wow! I just rhymed. Sahadev needs to know this, I chuckled mentally as the events of previous weeks played back in my mind. A few weeks ago, I was crowned the coveted position of Yuvraj, a honourable position in the respectable lineage of kurus.

A promise to serve the country with dedication and live up to my ancestors legacy. This was only possible due to my younger brothers who would follow me to hell without a question. I was blessed to have such obedient brothers who took care of my every need.

Being honest, the past few weeks have taken a toll on me. Duryodhana's father Dhritarashtra has been piling me with work hoping the pressure would get to me and make me quit the position. But every time I look at my citizens I realise I do this for them, I do it for the proud smile on my brothers' faces for the loving glance of my mother, all who have placed their expectations upon me.

When excellence is expected, there's no room for mediocrity...

I have stayed up countless nights in the past weeks to make sure my work is flawless and complete so no one can point out faults in it. My brothers force me to go take some rest in the jungle before I went crazy from those sleepless nights, endless days and tiring weeks of work.


Duryodhana's pov

I felt anger boil up inside me, consuming me when I heard my father call his name as the crown prince. He was supposed to be my goddamn father. Mama Shakuni tried to change fathers decision but the elders at the court supported it heartily and openly voiced their opinion on Yudhishthira being the Yuvraj and thereby next king.

What about me? I hate those Pandavas. They hate me. It's mutual hatred. It's the only relation between us. Hate.

Mama shree told me the very day they set foot in Hastinapur that they are here to steal my crown, and they did. Any attempts they made were only plots to steal my crown because why would anyone care for a dirt born child?

Recently I have been researching and finally found the perfect way to gain the support in the Sabha thanks to Mama shakuni's efficient spy network. It was my turn to be the hero and the Pandavas better sit back and watch. But where is the jyesth Pandava? I have been roaming everywhere to look for him. Some Yuvraj he is. 

Now this jyestha kaunteya is the crown prince.. What about me? Anyways where is he? Whenever there is a chance for me to be the hero, he is gone... Huh... What a yuvraj..

I went to his chamber and knocked, yes, I knocked, I wasn't gonna compromise my chance to be the hero at any cost. It was my only chance to gain what I had been told was mine since I was a kid.

The guard restricted me and answered "The yuvraj is not in his room currently, he is outside the palace."

The anger blinded me as I restricted the urge to strangle the guard then and there. I maliciously enquired the so called Yuvraj's whereabouts.

 "The..The yuv...yuvraj went... To..... To the... Fo... Forest to meet some rishis" the guard said trembling seeing me so mad. I had to get out of there before I lost my control and chance to once have the spotlight, to once be the hero. Sometimes, you just have to play nice.

I had an elaborate plan to get the attention of the royal court towards to poor quality medicines being sold as fraud. This way I would not only have a majority at the court, but also the approval of elders and be the hero. But as per protocol, I must inform the Yuvraj before bringing this issue in the Sabha.

But my lovely cousin was more interested in sitting in the jungle with the Rishis and chanting holy mantras. 

Yudhishtira's pov

There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature-the assurance that dawn comes after night and spring after winter.

I have never found solace in anything as much as in nature. The serenity here is so much better than the political atmosphere of the palace. It chokes me.

I didn't know where I roaming, just following my heart wherever it went. Suddenly I heard a disturbance in the bushes and my warrior instinct kicked in as I tightened my grip upon my spear. Cautious, I went towards it but what I saw there, my words betray to describe the scene.

The most alluring, enchanting lady I had ever seen stood there. My words fail me when I attempt to describe her. Even the goddesses would shy away when they see someone as gorgeous as her. Her beautiful hair,  hair woven out of the infinite galaxies at night. Her milky skin and slender fingers. Her full lips that resembled rose petals. Oh My! Her eyes, they were the deepest black, brimming with emotions. I had never been so so drawn to anything. I felt like a traveller in a desert and she, my first drop of water.

My thoughts were loosing control as with significant effort I come back to the present. They were too inappropriate for a prince like me. I should not have had such filthy ideas. But I could not help it. I knew then and there, I was helpless in front of her and gladly so.

Devika's pov

I turned scared, I felt a gaze at me, a stare but I didn't find it uncomfortable at least. It was the type of gaze who radiates such love, you want to bask in it. I just wanted to be under that gaze forever, away from sorrow and difficulties of life, away from pain and my past.

But when I analysed his royal attire, I realised I would never be enough for him. He stood in all his glory, a handsome and mighty prince while I was nothing. My trauma was the only constant thing I had in my life.

But yet my heart yearned to be in his embrace, cry my heart out and be assured he shall protect me from whatsoever happens. I need not have a worry. But my fantasies were baseless, why would he want a girl humiliated by jarasandh, sold by her stepmother who tried to suicide? 

He could get any princess he desired with those killer looks. A princess who would stand by him and not bring him down with the demons of her past. 

I quickly turned away, tears stringing my eyes as I realised that I could never be his. I rushed away quickly before I fell for him any harder than I already had.

And Yudhishthira perceived that the lady who stole his heart, hated him, as he left from there with a heavy heart as he had already desired to have her, to cherish and respect her. But she turned away. His very first heartbreak.


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what will devika do?

what will yuddhi do?

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