Sneak Peak

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Y/n's mother went missing a year ago, leaving her, her father and great grandmother behind. Despite not having her mother close to her, a comforting warmth was still brought to her chest whenever her thoughts lingered on the woman, and her thoughts would linger for just a little longer when the teen would hold something of her mother's to herself whilst deep in her daydream; a single onyx earring, it's twin absent.
Y/n's great grandmother adored Y/n, just like she had her granddaughter; Y/n's mother. As her days grow shorter and shorter, the old woman knows she must take a leap of faith and find someone to replace her.
With the sudden rise of a new powerful force of villainous capabilities and a catastrophe costing the old guardian her life, Y/n as the new superheroine Lady Niaka and her "accidental" black cat partner Yoru must work together to remedy the situation.

A little teaser of the backstory of Y/n.
I haven't seen many of this type of crossover so I'm honestly quite excited to start writing this, tell me what you think in the comments!

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