Minho Imagine: Get Away From Her!

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Warning: Mentions sexual assault/rape
Word Count: 3065 words
Author's Note: This one incorporates a bit more of a sensitive subject. I will warn you that it does go into detail, mostly describing thoughts not actual actions (because not only is that still a bit awkward for me to write but also brings up past trama of my own) and I feel that as a good author I must warn you guys. I really don't want to trigger anyone, but if you want to read this one I'll make sure to put little author notes in *bold* to let you know when it's safe to read again (the beginning is safe tho). If you don't want to read it, totally fine! I will not be offended. Feel free to skip this one, another imagine should be posted shortly.

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She hadn't always been afraid of them, at least since she got here she hasn't. When she first stepped foot in the Glade, there were only seven of them there. Her fear didn't start until there were twenty.

She remembers the day she first arrived like yesterday. It was her favorite memory of the place. The seven boys didn't know what to do when they saw the female, but they included her just like everyone else as if there wasn't a difference. The one thing that separated her from the others was her own private hut. She had insisted she didn't need one, that she was perfectly comfortable with her own hammock amongst the others. It was Gally that built her one anyway.

"For your own comfort and privacy," He had spoken with a kind smile. "Besides, it's not an issue and we have more than enough material." Little did he know she'd feel more uncomfortable and exposed in that building than anywhere else in the Glade. She knew he was only trying to help, but unfortunately, it led to much darker paths.

She had become close with those first seven boys: the Leader, the Second in Command, and five of the Keepers. She became the Keeper of the Map Makers within the first few days she had been there. The others said she had a much steady hand and quite an ability to draw the Maze more accurately than anyone else.

She spent most of her day in the Mapping Hut, redrawing the rather terrible sketches the others decided to make. Gally, Zart, Winston, and Frypan never went into the Maze, only the ones in charge decided to go, that is until Newt's injury. He had come back injured a few weeks after [Y/N] had arrived. Minho and Alby had carried the poor blond back, his leg bloody and broken. He spent weeks in the Homestead despite his leg healing almost completely rather quickly. When there was no new work for [Y/N], she'd keep the Second in Command company. Minho would join her in the evenings. They became closer that way, yet she still was afraid to tell the two the event that changed everything.

*It's still ok to read, however, this next part might make a few readers uncomfortable. I really don't want to trigger anyone so if you have to skip forward, please do! I will not be offended!*

It was the first bonfire they had. She remembers the way the boy drunkenly swayed over to her that night. She had been standing alone looking around at the boys who had drunk Gally's recipe, noticing they all seemed out of it. They danced and shouted, hooted and hollered, and took in the moment. They all seemed to forget where they were for the time being as if they weren't stuck in some terrifying stone Maze. The boy was recently new and had only spent about a month and a half in the Glade. He seemed older and was taller than her, not to mention probably a lot stronger as well. She rarely saw the boy, but when she did, his eyes always were glued to her body.

The boy had obviously had far too much to drink. His words slurred together, his eyes barely stayed open, and he couldn't stand upright without the help of someone. Nobody seemed to notice the two, and no one seemed to notice the way he tried reaching for her body several times. Sick of it, she headed back to her room.

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