03- Into The Slumbering Weald

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With a slight groan as she awoke, Gloria propped herself up by her elbow and reached over to the nightstand to pick up her Rotom Phone – a gift from Hop for her last. She subconsciously remembered how simultaneously angry and guilty she had felt, Gloria never particularly liked people spending money on her. She always felt guilt and a strong need to reimburse them no matter the price, especially if it was as expensive as a brand spanking new Rotom Phone, or the new telly or game console her Mum had given her then.

Rotom made in irritated spark as she picked it up, clearly displeased with being woken up so early. Gloria mumbled an apology as she tapped on the screen, wincing a bit as the screen lit up, slightly stinging her tired eyes. Lowering the brightness to a manageable level, she saw that it was only about six fifteen. Her alarm wouldn't be set to go off for another forty-five minutes.

Another groan escaped her lips as she slumped back down against the bed, settling Rotom down next to her pillow, shutting itself off with ease.

'It's too bloody early for this...'

Gloria curled up in her sea green and yellow duvet, snuggling closer to the warmth in hopes of just getting a little more sleep. Perhaps she might feel a bit more invigorated later...

Oi...what's that pressure on her ba..?

Oh..oh that's right.

She became a pokemon trainer last night.

Sitting up as gently as possible, Gloria looked over to the sleeping water lizard pokemon curled up atop the duvet, soft breathing audible from its sleep. The young teen stared at her partner contemplatively.

Oh sweet Lugia, she really...actually had a pokemon of her own, that was relying on her to care for her sake.

Oh Arceus, she was going to mess up....

' But.. I promised her I'd try...so I'm going to do my best...and not let Mist down...' she thought, reaching over to stroke the water types cool head. The little pokemon barely even stirred at the touch.

Damn it, why was she having such melodramatic thoughts at six am? She'd rather be back asleep...

With that, the brunette curled into her covers, trying in vain to catch more sleep before her alarm was set to go off.

Unfortunately, no matter how she tossed and turned, sleep seemed to evade her. Begrudgingly she arose out of bed, an equally cross and tired look on her face.

'Might as well get the day started an hour earlier...' she thought unhappily with a yawn as she went to the dresser, grabbed her clothes, and headed off to the washroom for a quick shower.

After said shower, she set off to the kitchen to get breakfast ready. She set a kettle of water on the stove to boil and went to work on a simple dish of eggs, sausage, and toast.

As the sausage started turning brown and the eggs looked more solid, the scent of food cooking brought Basil waddling out the den as quick as his little feet could possibly go. The normal type clutched on to her leg, looking as expectantly as a Skwovet in a bakery. "( Food! Food!)" he cried.

Gloria spared him a quick disapproving glance. "Nah ah, Basil. Not your food. You know this by know. If I let you have a go at it, there wouldn't be any left for me and Mum." She said, quickly looking back at the skillet so the eggs and sausage don't burn.

Predictably, Basil pouted as he was denied food and pulled on her leg, letting out a bunch of noise akin to a tantrum... which it was.."( No! I want it! I want it! I want it! )" Gloria sighed tiredly, feeling the ache in her head slightly worsen. She looked back down at the Munchlax.

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